Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

Hiya Blade here.

I have been inactive as far as Badlands RPG is concerned for some time now. Also this site has had little activity for some time. It has been a little while since I saw the Badlands RPG server up too.

I have been playing Dragon Age Origins (new Bioware game) on a new quad core computer and have just finished my first runthrough. Username "Fizzbangblade" if you want to send me an invite on the Bioware server.

Also I still regularly play NWN1 online, playing on Dalakora PW which is a longterm commitment for me.

Would be fun if it was possible to meet up with the old crowd over Christmas or in the New Year.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year,

All the Best .........Blade :)