Friday, June 26, 2009

The Invisible Helm System

I have been working on the next updated module recently. One of the things I have been working on is a replacement for the current helms. What I have done is made a special tool that gives the player a "skin" in the Monster Armor Slot and then copies your helm properties onto that "skin".

Here you see my toon Qwildurn with and without her helm.

My new "skin" that is empty because I am in normal helm form.

My new "skin" with the helm properties on it because my helm is invisible.

My helm properties. Notice that pictures 2 and 3 are almost the same.

    What you need to do is this:
  1. Buy a Invisible Helm Tool from the Dye Guy in Dozo.
  2. Wear your favorite helm.
  3. Use the new tool.
    Now your done. So simple a caveman can do it.
  4. To return to normal helm condition just use the tool again.
    Notes and conditions:
  1. You also need to know that you cannot sell or drop your helm until returning to normal helm state.
  2. You cannot equip any helm until returning to normal helm state.
  3. This will work with ANY helm you can wear.
  4. Some properties will loose their use or function, such as cast spell.
  5. A special script now runs at log-on to put your Helm back to the last state it was at log-off.
  6. If the Invisible Helm should ever become "confused", just use the tool a few times and it will sort itself out.

  7. The new "skin" uses a Creature Armor Slot that is reserved for monsters. You and the DM can never see this slot.
  8. The Dye Guy has the ability to show you your new "skin".
  9. The DM now has a new tool that allows him to look at your "skin" and to destroy it if need be.
  10. The DM cannot destroy a monster's skin in order to weaken the monster.
    Now for the fun part, the part that can help you look as cool or ugly as you want.
  • You should get our over-ride package. It has about 1000 new head and portraits.
  • You can goto Qwildurn's DND Server and click the links.

  • OR you can click the links here (below) and get them from the same source.

  • cloakmodel.rar
  • soundset.rar
  • RPG_Heads.rar
  • Cloakmodel, soundset and RPG_Heads all go in your NWN/override folder.
  • Portraits goes in your NWN/portraits folder.
  • portraits.rar
  • If you don't have a folder by that name, just create it.
  • You will need to expand the compressed files and restart NWN.
  • If you don't have a RAR utility, I got mine from:
  • RAR Labs


Blade said...

Another interesting innovation / development.

You state that the Helm can no longer be "equipped" when you have changed it, yet the Legendary Level utility will unequip it when you "level up".

So has it been tested to see what effect this has on the new invisible helms ?

All the Best ........Blade :)

Simon Hawk said...

Q, thats the coolest thing ever!

I love the invisible helm addition!

Like I said before, you've got the greatest crafting system on the entire net.

Simon Hawk said...

I added the link to this post under the "updates" section of the side bar. This is good stuff.

Qwildurn said...

I edited the main topic some, how it looks in the editor is not how it looks as a finished post (:

Blade said...
"You state that the Helm can no longer be "equipped" when you have changed it, yet the Legendary Level utility will unequip it when you "level up".
So has it been tested to see what effect this has on the new invisible helms ?"


I don't have the ability to run a test server at this time. But, it seems good so far. No doubt we will find some quirk to smooth out later.

If you want to use a different helm or upgrade your helm, just use the new Invisible Helm Tool to return the helm to normal. Then you can do whatever.

Yes, the Legendary Leveler will un-equip your invisible helm (skin). But not to worry. At log-on, the server will re-equip your invisible helm (skin). If you cancel the leveler, just use your tool and it will sort thing out.

Hmmm, maybe I did miss one thing. If you get an extra "skin" in your inventory, re-logging should remove it.