Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Character Building for BadLands RPG

The discussion about how to build a toon (character) is never finish, old, or boring. One more time, it has come up in-game. Most can't start a new topic here at The Blog, so I will because a few have asked for it. I will collect the links to the older topics and publish them here, then open it to an 'open mike night'.

If you find something I missed, send me the link so I can add it here. As new topics are made, I will try to add them to this list.

Let me remind you, that what works on one server may not work on another server.

Links arranged oldest to newest.


Qwildurn said...

BadLands RPG differs from the other BadLands servers. In what specific way, I'm not sure because I don't play on the others.

As compared to the 'Original BadLands' we are much more PVP balanced. We have monsters for every build type. One may be easily killed by a Monk, yet near impossible for a Mage or Fighter. Go to the next area and a Fighter with good crits is needed and the others are worthless. The Bosses follow this same pattern.

There is no one build that can rule ALL of BadLands RPG. The PVP action is pretty much the same thing. It is a "Rock-Paper-Scissors" thing.

We, and mean WE, have spent a lot of time, thought and testing to get the balance into something that we feel is actually fair.

I will be the first to agree that a high level Mage should be a thing of extraordinary power, feared by all. But, in every story, the Wizard has a weakness and folds in the end.

There was a time in BadLands' history when a Mage, and only a Mage, ruled all of the Realm and could kill every Boss, while no other build could. The Mage could withstand any PVP battle, no matter how overwhelming it seemed.

Those days are over, my friends. The Deep Orcs have sauntered out of their hiding spots. Armed with Scimitars, they have learned how perfect the UBER Barbarian. Some are mixed with Red Dragon and use a tower shield. Others prefer to become Weapon Masters with dual Scimitars and TWS (Two Weapon Shield). These powerful Orcs have rocked the Realm sending a horrendous reverberation through the entire BadLands.

I've seen Mages turn invisible, then just stand their in their arrogance and die to the mighty blows of a Barbaric Deep Orc.

Deurack said...

It's not the Mages that fear the Deep Orcs, it's the Shadow Dancers. If a person building a Mage has any level of education in the game and an IQ above 30, they make a Wizard with 10 levels of PM and a Sorcerer with at least 1 level of Paladin and enough Charisma that they need to roll a 1 to get Dev Crit'ed.

But the Shadow Dancers with Hide in Plain Sight that used to be almost all powerful against the Melee types that dont have True Sight have almost died out lately. It's extremely rare to see a build that focuses on HiPS anymore. Most of the time the only builds that get Shadow Dancer are those building for Epic Dodge, and HiPS is just a minor bonus.

And while I will agree with Q that there was a time that a well built Mage could dominate most of Badlands, there was an even more massively out-of-balance build before some changes were made: the Monk/Cleric. I know what some of you are thinking, "What are you talking about, that build is out of balance NOW!" But what those of you thinking that dont realized is that there didnt use to be any cap on SR, so the natural SR of a Subrace would STACK with the Monk SR. So you didnt need to get any "Improved Spell Resistance" feats to get an SR above 80 and could focus all your feats on getting more Dex. That build was UNBEATABLE back in the day.

Thank God some things have changed :)

Deurack said...

Oh, and by the way, GREAT POST! We definitely need something like this, I've been thinking about doing something like this, but you went WAY above and beyond what I was thinking. Nicely done.

Deimonos said...

There was a time when mages could just stand and laugh while other builds killed themselves on their damage shields. Acid Sheath, Elemental Shield and Death Armor all stacked and dealed a lot of damage on those poor melee toons.

Monks were also legendary back in the day. Their spell resistance was so great that they could stand in front of the same empowered mage and smirk while the "damage shield" animal casted all his spells on the monk, none of them successfully..

And the regular melees? Oh, they had a tough life.. most of the time.. one with only 1 lvl of bard or rogue could read scrolls as a high level mage and these buffs lasted accordingly..

Mages ruled the lands.. monk used to laugh at them and pure melees.. well, they`ve always had to work hard.. that didn`t change..