Saturday, April 18, 2009

Badass Hall of Fame

Who thinks they have what it takes to be a BadLands RPG Badass?

We all know it's easy to make a botched-up build. It's not all that hard to make a decent toon actually. But, who has what it takes to build a truly remarkable and outstanding character. And, why is this build of yours so damn tough? What has it (he/she) accomplished that is noteworthy? What is unique about your special toon?

This is not a trip down memory lane and what you had before the wipe, but rather, what have you done lately!


Troll Snott said...

I think my Skullcrusher a real BadLands Badass. He is the classic bare-knuckled-bar-room-bruiser. At level 49 he has solo'd Sheelo, Badass, Bebilith, Snowman, Black Betty, Krenshar, hmm several times. Skullcrusher is a strength based monk with unarmed dev-crit.

I'm hoping to become the leader of the next evil guild.

extomorf said...

Is there much point in doing a hall of fame because it'll be filled with a load of monk/cleric/sd or some other variation, maybe pale master. Or it'll be bard/rdd/pm or other slight variation. and most of them will be identical to all the other ones. Maybe there be a ogre barbarian/bard/rdd but that'll be the only diffrent build apart from a mages. How about you do a challenge where you have to pick one class and be that class pure just for a change.

Deurack said...

Well, many people know the "classic" power builds, but there are plenty of others that can kick major ass that I've hardly ever seen played. I made a variation on the Monk/Cleric/SD that had 37 levels of Cleric and used Zen Archery, Implosion and Word of Power to kill people...would have been a super powerful PK build if the spell "True Sight" wasn't messed up on Badlands :(

Bard/RDD/PM seems at first sight to be a total powerhouse, but I know of quite a few builds that can slap it around like a little girl, especially when it's buffs wear off/get dispelled. And let's not forget that PK in NWN in general and especially in Badlands is really about Paper-Rock-Scissors. There is no "perfect" build, there's always a build that can kill yours easily. The best Dev Crit Str Build can be handled easily by a PM Wizard, while a SR Monk can stand in the face of that Wizard and laugh.

Anyway, it kinda seems too soon (after the wipe) to be talking about a "Hall of Fame". Let's wait at least 6 months to a year before that discussion, that will give people a chance to actually get not only some Boss killing accomplishments under their belts but also to establish a "Pecking Order" in PK. For example, I'm interested to see how Skullcrusher would do against my Dev Crit Cleric Necur or my PM Mordred (once he's rebuilt).

PS: Ogre Barbarian/Bard/RDD??? Really? You haven't been on Badlands long, have you? Lots of Str, gets HANDLED by any decent HiPS build :)

Troll Snott said...

Skullcrusher has turned out better than I expected actually. He is a "novelty" build actually. Yes, he is a Monk, but if it wasn't for 16 levels of PM he wouldn't have any AC at all. His CON and SR are low enough that he can't take any real abuse. When I killed Betty, I had to run away 3 times to rest and rebuff before I finally got her on a Dev-Crit. Betty couldn't hurt me, but if it wasn't for Darkness and True Strike, I wouldn't be able to hurt her either.

Unknown said...

I think the cleric/bard/pm is a very powerfull combination, be it either str or dex based. Dexer + 16 pm with a shield is very high ac with EMA and EW. Plus, it gets full ab with divine power. And although it can get dispelled easily, bard song can't be dispelled and I doubt that there's many wiz's walking about with over 10 mords instead of their favored max igms. Wich is less than the amount of buff spells the build can get with the right domains. The low sr is a problem but ah well, can't have it all. I'm working on one right now and I'm curious to see how it'll turn out.

Qwildurn said...

Low SR can be dealt with by choosing a subrace that gets SR. A Shades for example, will get 40+ SR at lvl 40 and have one feat of conceal. Hmm, Glub should read this, but I doubt he will veer away from Dwarven Clerics. Glub is about as hard-headed as a damn the damn Dwarfs he plays.

Simon Hawk said...

I'm awesome.

Unknown said...

Let's see what the reactions are on this build of mine. In case you haven't seen it wandering about yet, it's Pyro 'Mad Midget' Mineras.
It can be classified as a CHA based Sorc, Rdd, Palladin, but it's got very high CON and STR wich help with it's monstrous fort save(69 at lvl 45 so far) and it's high discipline, wich will make it all that harder to knockdown. It's generally a very high defense mage, with more spells than usual. It's AC is relatively low even for a mage, around 50. But the high defensive abilities make it a mean thing that's hard to kill.