Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here's a sweet staff with all kinds of added goodies for you. If you think you're man enough to take down the Queen of the Underdark, then this can be yours.


Garble said...

What makes this staff sweet? It's +7 and casts silence for 1 round. It's a staff so casters are going to use it. They cast spells, not hit things with sticks. Also, the silence effect is weak. You *might* be able to make use of 2 rounds of silence. Wack a mage, than cast for two rounds with your 'silenced spells' and beat em that way. But as it stand now you loose a round of casting to hit 'em and than get a round of casting for free, Works out as a wash. And this assumes you find a mob that's fail a DC of 20. Hard to find a PC with that ca fail a DC of 20, +15 from gear and a minimum pf +6 from attributes.

About the only useful thing is the +2 regen.

As weapons go this one is lame. If the game supported campfires it'd be more use as kindling.

Now a staff that gave you extra spell slots, or +20 to discipline, or a bonus to spell penetration, or something like that would be useful.

Qwildurn said...

I agree this is better firewood than anything else.

The DC can top out at 26.
I would probably prefer a lwer Percentage to a higher Duration.

This is an "On-Hit" property. The user can't choose to cast a spell. If he hits his target, then it does a DC check to see if Silence can be applied. Then the target makes his normal saves.
One round is only 6 seconds. Not very long at all. Cnsidering the chances of this even working, 2 or 3 rounds would be better.

The +7 AB is a joke because Mages have such a low AB that +7 won't help.

If I could dis-arm the mage of this staff and loosing this staff would weakin the mage, loose warding and some spell slots or....
That would be tough....
Of course the staff would need to have better positives for the mage to even consider holding it.

As it is now, it make for better bragging rights than anything else.

Deurack said...

I agree with Garble. The only reasons Belpheron has this staff is to get the added Regen and to chuckle when he 'Silences' low ranking creatures as he looks for scrolls.