Friday, November 7, 2008

Royal (Oyster) Rumble

As you may be aware, the Arcane Brotherhood and Death Dealers have joined forces to become "The Brotherhood". Despite the name, female PCs are welcome to join (we just didn't think "The Sisterhood" sounded as good).

Last night, the guild leader, Osiris Ellow, began building his army. After infusing the recruits with "the red", the foot-soldiers dispersed and began capturing territories and fortresses. After a few hours, The Brotherhood laid claim to nearly all outposts... with the exception of the Maze, Docks, and Battlefields.
When I log on this morning, I see a shout that Wrath Shadowblade was destroyed by the Cockatrice. Soon, Fadra De'Twent (Brotherhood champion) is battling it out with the Super Chicken. After a storm of IGMs, she slices the bird into juicy buffalo wings.
Fadra and new Brotherhood recruit Friam proceed to the Hall of Mirrors, where they are jumped by Wrath. Wrath was quickly destroyed, and the territory was claimed.
My toon (Elric) joined up with Fadra and Friam to go tangle with Ryuji, but he's gone. So we head to the Docks. Meanwhile, dano1122 logs in Shady, since it's his only build that's worth a damn and he knows he can beat a mage with it. He wants a piece of Fadra. Not going to stand by and watch a fellow guild member get bashed, Friam and I wait with Fadra. After several minutes of waiting and waiting (meanwhile, all buffs are wearing off), Shady comes to the Oyster. Without mestil's or EW, Fadra is easy pickings. Elric is another story though. Shady goes through numerous Restores before he runs like hell... claiming that 3 on 1 is unfair.
Elric calls for a straight one-on-one with Shady in the UD. I make it abundantly clear to all bystanders to not interfere- and all agree (Bambi, Fadra, Friam and son of thor all just want to watch). After he kills time while waiting for "backup", Shady finally comes out of the Sanctuary. The throwdown ensues between Elric and Shady. Everyone watches with great interest. All of a sudden Pyro and Jakle show up and start fighting on Shady's side (so now it's 3 on 1). Not willing to stand for a unfair fight, Bambi, Friam and Fadra all jump in. Major lag ensued! It was a fun fight watching pyro get bashed and/or run (relogging with several different toons). The fight raged for a loooooong time. The mages all had to go re-rest several times, while Elric and Shady continued to duke it out in between bashing enemy mages. (side note: battles between PM builds and monks with epic dodge last FOREVER, lol) Eventually, one of Bambi's spells goes errant and takes down Elric. I laugh, and go get a cup of coffee and take a leak. I come back and Shady STILL hasn't killed me. Finally, Shady bashes the helpless Elric into oblivion. Nice job Shady!
After the carnage, Pyro, Jakle and Shady all claim that we weren't fighting "fair", and that's why they all jumped in. Funny thing was, it was obvious to anyone that there was a duel with interested(non-interfering) bystanders looking on. In fact, Bambi is not associated with a guild, but wanted to see a fair fight, hence she jumped in. Oh well, this is what we've all come to expect from Shadowblades. It's not the first time, and I doubt it'll be the last.
On the bright side, it looks like we started a good ol'fashioned guild war! So dust off those legendary toons and join a guild to get in on the carnage!
post-script: Jakle did send Elric a tell after the battle claiming that he only attacked me because Shady offered him entrance into a guild if he sided with him. After which, he said Shady turned on him!
not sure if that's true, since Jakle has done some strange things in the past, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Shady did what Jakle said.
Fun, fun, fun!


Deimonos said...

Nice post Jim.
But earlier, night owls' time slot, me and Deurack were having a go at them also.

I asked Deurack to guild Sharon into the guild and after some terry claiming we ran into Shadow Blades waiting inside Ryuji's lair.
Mordred, being the uber tank that he is, fights both with little problem.

I came in not too long after that but Sharon is no match for a bard/rdd/pm 58 with a dev DC of 59, even less a decent opponent to Shady.
So after Sharon gets deved quickly, I came back with Cage.

Cage is a poweful melee build, able to slash through any monk build. Shady gets hit a couple of times and he moves quickly to Draco's side, so Sharon would change the target from him to Draco.
After hitting Draco a few times, Cage is not lucky enough and rolls a 1 to his dev.
I respawn and I get another 1.

I log off to get something to eat and when I got back Mordred had lost to Shadow Blades.

We talk about strategies.
I was impressed by my lack of luck and development of shadow blades strategy.

Fact is, guild pvp is not even close to exciting or funny if everyone logs with a bard/rdd/pm or monk/cleric/sd.. all at lvl 58. I thought about bringing in a similar build.. but it was late and I didn't wanna have a 1 hour ironman match..

Anyways, after a 20mins chat, I see Shady running through Dozo.

Mordred goes to Mountain Shelter to sell some stuff he acquired on his extensive exploring and I followed Shady's tracks to Dry Lands. Since Medusa was already dead, it was either trogs or golems.
I see no action in the mines so I go back and enter Path of the Doomed.

On 1 x 1, Shady is not big of a threat to Cage. His sidekick quad had relogged with a monk/sorc/rdd.
After a few hits, dano runs back to buff, while quad takes the lead.
Cage filled with wrath against shadow blades, bashes quad hard and he soon falls to the ground, seconds later followed by a failed attempt of healing on shady's side.

Shady, now fully buffed comes right to Cage.
But Shady knows Cage is a dangerous enemy, so he prefers to ressurect his sidekick first.

Wanting to face Shady one on one, Cage once again turns to quad and bashes him to oblivion.

Now it was Cage vs Shady.
Cage hits Shady many times. The monk needs to run a few times to heal. Same goes for Cage, but he doesn't run. He casts his spells without the need to avoid combat.

Mordred hears the shout about Cage killing quads character ( dont remember the name) and he runs to the area.
When he got there and was buffing, the server shouts "The evil pk Shady Shadowblade was killed by Cage and sent to jail."

Shady dropped a fortress key, which Mordred quickly grabs it and proceeds to claim another outpost, so he can go try out the keys.

The Great Hall is now officially owned by The Brotherhood.

Jim Brannick said...

Rolling two "1's" in PvP is just horrible luck LOL!
"Must be game mistak!!!"

And good point on the 58th lvl monk or rdd/pm battles... boooring. I rarely have the patience for such long, drawn out battles- especially when greater restores are flying left and right. A ban on heal-kit spamming and grt restores in PvP would definitely speed up the process, but getting both sides to agree to such a self-imposed "rule" is highly unlikely.

And yes, Shadowblades is developing a strategy--- log ubers, wait for help, run when beat, claim unfair when the tides turn... yes, great "strategies" lmao.

Qwildurn said...

Jim Brannick said... Shady goes through numerous Restores before he runs like hell... claiming that 3 on 1 is unfair.

And I suppose it's also unfair that "The Brotherhood" actually has a leader that leads his troops.

Deimonos said... The Great Hall is now officially owned by The Brotherhood

So that explains why my DM was being asked about, "The Fortress in The Northface." and how to get in.


darianthebold said...

Well guild diversity is good ..... and i guess im happier knowing that shady and co. are targeting legendary toons and not noobs.
In recent weeks the pair have notched up some fairly decent wins even if we don't approve of the way they do it.
Now that the hate is there , go hunt them !!!!!

CrazyGnome2 said...

Now, the real funny part is... Fadra was stuck in the lost maze, not knowing that Wrath was there, so she waited for Fraim and Bambi to come and help with the Cocktrice... After seeing that the Cocktrice killed Wrath I waited outside The house of mirrors...

Thinking that he would spawn to the house and start from there, whitch he didnt..

After a while Friam showed up and we were planning to kill the chicken... As we ran to the gate where the Dragon Statue is we saw Wrath badly wounded, running away from the chicken, as he saw Fadra he went for the statue, Fraim ran after him, I was getting mords ready for him and then he commited suicide.. thats right, after clicking(spamming) the dragon to trigger the trap and killed himself so that Fadra wont get the kill... after waiting 5 minutes waiting for him to spawn back we rested

Fadra was in the middle of her rest till Wrath showed up, disrupting her rest, spawning next to her, only with Epic mage armor and warding with a few IGMS and one more with bull rush, she killed him, getting away near death

And from there the battle in Underdark started

Deimonos said...

lol.. good to see you had your share of action, gnome.
Since you basically stayed afk the whole night while deurack and I were fighting shadow blades..