Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Question about AC and Ride

I've got a Pally with Divine shield. Should be a +12 dodge bonus to AC. (Dodge AC stacks we I should be good until I hit the +20 cap.) I've also got the ride skill and mounted combat feat. That should be good for another +4 for a total of +16 to AC. But they're not stacking. If I'm mounted I get the +4. If I'm on foot and I use Divine shield I get the +12. But if I'm mounted and use divine shield I only see +8 on my sheet, and in the battle spam window. I've got +5 dodge on my boot and zero tumble. If I understand how things are supposed to work this should all stack up to +20. Anyone got any ideas?


Terry17 said...
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Deurack said...

There is something wrong with Divine Shield, there always has been. I have a 26 Bard/4 Black Guard/10 RDD (fun build btw) that uses Divine Shield, and the Bonus from my Bard Song and Divine Shield never stacked, even though it was much lower than the 20 cap. No idea why, but that's just the way it is.

Terry17 said...

List of Dodge Bonuses :

+5 Boots
+4 Haste Cloak

+1 Mage Armor
+5 Epic Mage Armor
+0 to +7 Bard Song
+1 per +1 Cha bonus (Divine Shield)
+1 per 5 of Ride Check Total

I may have missed some, but those are the biggies.

Since everyone has +5 Boots, and a Haste Cloak, that means you can only get 11 more points of Dodge AC from all other sources combined.

Divine Shield and Bard Song are not broken. With a 16 Cha (for level 6 bard spells) +12 from gear, you get 28 Cha (+9 Bonus) minimum. Anything over +2 AC from bard song puts you over the Dodge Cap. With a 32 Cha, you don't even need bard song to hit the cap.

Garble said...

Thanks Terry
I hadn't realized that the haste bonus was dodge AC.

So than I've already got +9 dodge. So my Divine shield is going to be worthless above 11. Since I have the Mounted Combat feat I'm only going to see part of that...Paladins suck.

Deurack said...

1) Yeah, same here. I didnt realize that the AC bonus from Haste was dodge, that explains it.

2) Paladins DO NOT suck. You're complaining because they have multiple ways of achieving the +20 Cap? If anything, the +20 Cap sucks, not the Paladin. Paladins get THE BEST AB in the game(except for a Barbarian, but only when raging) due to the natural BAB progression and their buffs , they have multiple ways of getting higher AC, and they have some very good "utility" spells as well. Personally, the only thing I dont like about Paladins is the Lawful Good restriction.

On that note, I think that if there should ever be an alignment shift allowed, it should be from Lawful Good (Paladin) to Lawful Evil (Black Guard) since a BG is supposed to be a fallen Paladin. My two cents.

Qwildurn said...

I noticed the same problem with my Paladin as well. I sort of knew why but not really. Terry explained it very well.

Paladins don't suck! They are very hard to build, especially for BadLands. A well built Paladin can be very dangerous. I know that the Paladin can be very attractive, but it is not a beginners best choice.

If you don't build for Divine Might, Divine Shield and Smite Evil, you will be left with no AC / AB. Since those use your Charisma Bonus, you loose (bonus scores) elsewhere. The Paladin needs to have high scores in ALL attributes actually. Dex, Con, Wis for better save. Wisdom 14 is needed just to get all your spells. Str and Cha are needed to swing your big sword.

The Traditional Pally sword is a Great Sword. The traditional alternative is a Long Sword and Shield. BadLands has Quest to get a Bastard Sword that only a Pally can wield. The quest is The Mandros Quest. Mandros is the Quest Giver.
The Mandros Quest is a Party Quest with a Paladin Leader. There are rewards for every supporting member, Rogue, Cleric, Mage. A druid can be substituted for a Cleric, but why bother?

The Cha Bonus to AB does not show up in your stat sheet, it is added at the time of attack/hit as a last modifier. Even though you took a low Str roll to get a higher Cha roll, your AB/Damage gets boosted in combat (unseen). This is most useful when fighting EVIL.

A high Dex score is probably wasted because your Pally is probably using the traditional Pally Armor, Full Plate.

The traditional Pally Sword is a Great Sword, which leaves you with low AC. This makes Divine Shield, Tumble, and now Ride, that much more important. For ride to be effective, you need Mounted Combat Feat and to be on a horse. I think it is level 5 when Pally's can summon their own Paladin Mount.

Constitution goes without saying. The Paladin especially needs to be able to absorb blows. This is very important for those with low AC. High Con can be very effective against a long list of things, Dev Crit, is only one.

Qwildurn said...
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Garble said...

Q, are you saying pally's get chr added to AB? Are you talking about something other than smite?