Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gold Dragon Armor

If you kill the Sleeping Dragon (Ancient Gold Dragon that guards the Rakshasa), it will drop a dragon scale. Once you have this scale you can take it to Shorty (in the Dozo Armory). Having it in your possession will initiate a conversation where he basically calls you a badass for slaying a dragon, then offers to make you armor out of the scale. Here is the Gold Dragon Armor that he makes for you:

The main thing I want to note about this armor is that it's only useable by good or evil characters. So all those neutral PC's running around (mainly trying to avoid smites) won't benefit from this armor. An old fashioned Dracolich such as Drake Vega will though!


Jim Brannick said...

Correction: Neutral characters with the Use Magic Device feat may be able to equip this armor if they succeed at their UMD check. Although UMD checks for using items of a different alignment are the most difficult to make.

darianthebold said...

indeed jim is absolutely spot on ...well done.

Qwildurn said...

Nothing special here. Most of my chars can build better armor in the shops and get a better AC.