Friday, February 15, 2008

Locked Doors

So I was making a new character and I found a locked door that I had to bash through. I’ve heard that Q wants there to be more for rogues to do, but I don’t think putting in a locked door that you HAVE to go through is the way to do it.

If it’s a rare thing than people will just bash ‘em when they have to.
If locked doors are common people will cross class pick locks and count on +12 dex gear to get them through but still won’t take much rogue.

What I think would be cool are side quests that you need a rogue to do.
Like a storage area in the Drow area with plenty of locks and traps and some good loot, potions you can’t buy anywhere else like heal or heroism. Maybe a tough guardian that you need to sneak past.
Or a secret tunnel that gets you to a boss without having to go through the rest of the critters.
Or allow rogues to get into bases without killing a boss if they have enough search/sneak and open skills.

Just some thoughts.


Simon Hawk said...

I'm with you on this one Garble, it's no fun bashing your way through doors that you NEED to use. Remember on death & dishonor how annoying it was to get through the main area where there were locked doors every 10 steps.

I do however like the idea of having certain areas, treasures, bosses ect, that would only be accessible by having a good rogue build.

Garble said...

It should be intermediate along the way. If you have a boss or really cool lvl 40 item that takes rogue skills to get W29/PM10/R1 will get even better. If there’s a room in the shadow tombs that has a potion of greater stone skin in a locked and trapped chest behind a secret door on the other hand…

Deurack said...

I agree, but just wanted to point out that there actually is a quest you need a rogue to complete. There is a locked door blocking access to the questgiver of the 'Holy Avenger' quest that you must get through that has no key and cannot be bashed.