Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bruce (no, not Springsteen) the Dragon

Bruce is an ancient Brass Dragon who resides in the Anchiant Caverns. (Do not venture there unless you have an uber toon in a party of uber toons... and a lot of time on your hands because the Caverns are HUGE).

Should you find Bruce and manage to defeat this Great Wyrm, you will be rewarded with Dark Ritual- a powerful Greataxe.

Though lacking in elemental damage (only fire 5), the +7 enhancement bonus is highly attactive. One could also use scroll/spells to buff this item up even more! This would make a great Christmas present for your Ogrillon meat shield, er, I mean melee focused party companion.

Bruce, being the badass dragon that he is, also possesses a pair of massive "balls" which he drops. I tried rubbing them like the description recommends, but all I got was hairy palms. Then I started to go blind... what gives?!


Garble said...

His balls are 50 lbs each! He's hung like no other. I think all of the bosses should drop body parts. Than shorty can build you a flesh golom for...personal uses. Oh and I want that axe for my wm/cleric

Simon Hawk said...

All I can say is "lol". Nice commentary Jim.

Qwildurn said...