Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm evil and brave... or not..

After a couple of weeks of constant pvp action going on, I've noticed some disturbing behaviours lately. The "I am evil, Let's fight. Oh wait, hold on, without backup, I ain't going there. No way!" thing.
We all know dano has stumbled on a very nice build and he did it fine.But what have seen lately is the lack of pvp ethics. Is there such a thing?

Well, there should be, especially to a LAWFUL evil monk, such as Shady.Elric challenges him to a duel and he accepts but since he knows he can't kill him easily and threatened by the neutral characters watching the fight, he goes and asks other guild members for help.. on a 1 vs 1 fight..Which resulted in a ud massacre.. even with free lancers jumping in.

Apparently, the only one really following the pvp code is lycan, fighting 1 x 1, not rez killing and not, NOT jumping on others.That's conan, the guy with no caps lock or shit buttom on his keyboard, the warlord of "free blads".

Last time I was on a ud battle royal with these guys (lycan, blade, dano, darina the bald and conan), I witnessed the same jumping in during a fight by conan..
I was fighting blade 1 x 1 while shady was bashing lycan. Conan was fighting another guy, but when he sees he's losing and I'm badly wounded, he changes target and finishes me off.Then Cage appeared and killed the halfling monk, blade and the bluish jumper.. lol?

Pyro is more and more involved in pvp stuff. Too bad he's an indigo fairy.Well, well, more targets, I suppose?Did I tell you he was fighting a mage called my mishu. That mage is an exotic one, I can tell you that. She dual weilds rapiers.And after dispelling Pyros's monk/wm/fig buffs and casting darkness in the area, she was bashing him good. He even had to heal kit spam to avoid getting meleed to death.. by a mage!! rofl!!


Deurack said...
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Deurack said...

Yeah, the fairies are pretty pathetic, that's for sure. They only have 2 builds in the entire guild that are worth a damn, the rest suck horribly. The really bad thing is that they KNOW their builds suck and get slaughtered in 1 -vs- 1 fights, which is why they refuse to fight unless they have 1 or 2 others backing them up. Some of my greatest Badlands memories are of having 2 of them jump me and killing both of them anyway. Now THAT is a good time :)

Jim Brannick said...

Shady has a very good build, there's no denying that. Which is why I am constantly amazed at his need for "backup". I've seen all the BL badasses play that same build in PvP and do just fine playing solo. The only opponents he feels comfortably hunting solo are mages (for obvious reasons).

From what I've seen, Lycan fights fair. He has to call off his dog, conan, from time to time though, since conan will pounce on a 1 x 1 fight constantly. After Elric got the best of Lycan Star Rider in the UD last week, Lycan relogged with a different (after which we had to call it a draw since we could barely hit each other after 20 minutes). During BOTH matches, Lycan had to call off conan LOL. The second time, conan waited until Elric was badly wounded, out of buffs and EW before he pounced. On the upside, all these scrotes make for good targets! And the badlands just wouldn't be the same without the classic mix of antagonists/protagonists (as to who is who, it's all your point of view :P

darianthebold said...

Well i believe that dano is improving his pvp tactical and ethical thinking. Quad too..
And they make fitting guild opponents when u add pyro, Q and SF recently to the mix .....with more recruits to come..
It will just take time for quality pvp to occur ( as guys get more experience).
IM just happy we can talk about it at all.

Simon Hawk said...

""( as guys get more experience)""

And we ALL know you love guys, Darian.

Qwildurn said...

So Darian is gay?
Fine, what's you're excuse Simon? We all know you love Darian. Not like you kept it a secret or anything.

Simon Hawk said...

Not good at Rp'ing being straight?


darianthebold said...

On a side note , the indigo fairy is such an important part of RPG now it has its own colour code..... check it out.
Secondly , Simon is demented.....
That says it all.

Simon Hawk said...

Can't argue with that logic.

Deimonos said...

Well i believe that dano is improving his pvp tactical and ethical thinking. Quad too..
And they make fitting guild opponents when u add pyro, Q and SF recently to the mix .....with more recruits to come..
It will just take time for quality pvp to occur ( as guys get more experience).
IM just happy we can talk about it at all.

I agree. Having only a couple of players doing pvp gets boring fast.
Add some variety to it, and we got ourselves a very nice daily pvp action..

Qwildurn said...

Simon Hawk said...
Not good at Rp'ing being straight?

Let me quote a few well known facts. "Gay people make better Drama Queens."

Another less known fact. "Dick Cheney and Dan Quail were actually playing Dungeons and Dragons when Cheney shot Quail. (there are groups that actually dress up and go into the woods to play) The White House was too embarrassed to tell the world about DND and made up the story about "Quail Hunting". Being straight, they didn't RP it well and actually hurt each other."

Deurack said...

Proof of what Q said:

Qwildurn said...

That was pretty good. I found this one too.

u-tube DND flick

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Use an opening < followed by a href=
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If you did it correct, your code will look this this:

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