Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sharkskin Boots

this is probably my favorite boss drop yet. There's something for everyone. +7 ac (the tumble will add one more) discipline, help with fear. Very very nice boots.


darianthebold said...

Your fortunate to have them garble , if I remember the fight in detail you really didnt earn them :)

Garble said...

I did kill the shark. Jim just had to keep it busy while my computer rebooted. I want to take another run at the fishy in the future, But i'm not sure I remember where it is. I also want another shot at Bruce. The first time I fought him my igms didn't work. Thought it was sr but I think for some reason he was set to friendly.

my next challenge is killing the sleeping dragon with bers aspsis tep. Didn't go too well the first time. I was planning to spam creeping doom, blade barriers and sov but for some reason i couldn't case ANY of them. My magical energy was being used for something else.Probably used too much being sexy.

Jim Brannick said...

Last I knew, Bruce was in the Medusa's lair... unless a DM moved him. He's also in the "Anchiant" caverns, but I don't recommend going in there unless you've got LOTS of time.
As far as the shark... now that Darian et al. fixed some buggy ice patches (actually changed them to "vines") the shark is easy to find. Unfortunately, the last time Gnimble tangled with the shark, the beast ended up on the stairs leading up to his pond... this poses a problem since once you walk into it's lair, he'll nail you for some massive hp!!!

Deurack said...

Bruce was only in the Medusas lair because of a DM, his 'lair' is in the Ancient Caverns. As to IGM's working on Bruce, you can forget it. He has WAY too much Spell Resistance for that spell. The only spells that even have a chance of touching him are 9th level spells cast by an almust pure caster (as in, almost 40 levels as a caster). His AC is also well above 100, so dont think you're going to bash him easily.

Terry17 said...

FYI, you get +1 ac per every 5 RANKS of tumble. You buy the ranks with skill points. The AC has nothing to do with your final skill total, and gear can't give you ranks. It just adds to the final total.

Just thought y'all should know...

Deimonos said...

Funny thing is that with tumble 15 you can dodge most opportunity attacks made against ya. And if you have spring attack you don't even have to roll at all..
So, unless you are wearing some heavy gear, the only reason you'll be getting tumble is for the AC bonus..

Qwildurn said...

These are some truly remarkable boots. But what else would you expect from one of the worlds toughest predators and one of the toughest Bosses in this Realm?

The Tumble Skills won't change your AC. Only the Tumble bought at level up will. 1 AC per 5 skills. Feats and items with tumble don't count. 40 Tumble skills at level 37 is +8 AC. Legendary Levels will continue the Tumble/AC.

Deimonos said...

One of toughest drops to get.
The fight is always interesting also. A lot of running and dying..