Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's time to spotlight another boss drop. Today we're looking at the nifty little +5 dagger named "Backstabber" used by the Royal Assassin. Though weak by boss-drop standards, it still has a healthy 1d10 cold and a slight chance of stun on hit (if the target rolls a "1"). Ultimately, you'd probably be better off upgrading a normal dagger in the Stone Conjoint. Still, this boss drop seems appropriate, given the fact that the Royal Assassin is the most used and abused of all the bosses--- and he's easily accessible, whereas other bosses require at least a long walk thru spawn-laden territory.


Garble said...

I like to call this one “The Money Maker”. Any 17nth level caster can kill the RA so it’s easy to get to and quick to sell. All in all one of my favorites.

Qwildurn said...

If your a true melee build, forget about this boss. His AC / AB is out of most melees league. There are newer bosses that Mages can't touch.
So look around for the New, the Ugly, and the Smelly!

Unknown said...

As a matter of fact, it's accesible at lvl 16 with a con based sorc and I have reason to believe that even a lvl 15 cha based sorc can do it as well.