Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Love for the Kukri

I see many people running around with Rapiers in their hands. This is good, because it means that more people are realizing the power of the large Crit range. However, I believe that not enough people love the Kukri.

The Kukri has the same massive Crit range as the Scimitar and Rapier. The only drawback to the Kukri is that it only does 1d4 points of damage, instead of 1d6 like the Scimitar and Rapier. However, it has some wonderful advantages. First of all, being a small weapon, you can easily dual wield it. Secondly, it is a Slashing Weapon, and this means that you can use the spell "Keen Edge" on it. Why is this a good thing, you ask? Because if you can put Keen on your weapon with a spell instead of in the Crafting areas, that means there is more room for elemental damage.

Thirdly, and in my opinion the best reason to use the Kukri, is Mysteria.

As you can see, Mysteria is a Keen, +6 Kukri that is dropped by Shadow StridAst. Note the rather substantial elemental damage. Not as much as you can put on a 'Crafted Weapon', but you cant get +6 on a crafted weapon either. Contrast the damage on this weapon with the damage on the 'Rapier of the High' and you'll see that Mysteria does MUCH more damage per hit.
So there you are. I hope that this will encourage all of you to love your local Kukri. It is one of the best weapons in all of Neverwinter Nights.


Garble said...

One of my first builds was bers gladius. (Destroyed in the great server crash) Dual Kukri wielding gith, fighter/bard/rdd, with dev crit in the early 20's.

His AC sucked. Once I hit the mountains life got really really hard. The way the sever is designed a str-based melee build needs the +8AC from a shield very very badly. Especially with the dev shield, dual wielding melee isn't as effective as sword and board. imho

Simon Hawk said...

Awesome post Deurack, these kinds of tips are great! I added your post as a link in the sidebar under "tips & tricks".

Deurack said...

Thx Simon, and Yeah, I agree with you Garble. Str builds suffer from Low AC period on Badlands RPG and if they dont have a Shield, it's almost impossible to even get to level 40 much less beyond. That's one of the reasons I make so many Dex builds :-)

You bring up a valid point about Dual Wielding too. I personally believe that wielding 1 weapon and using a shield is typically superior to dual wielding. There are some builds where it is worth it to use another weapon in your off hand, but I personally believe there are not many. The main reason I mentioned Dual Wielding in the post is that so many people use Dual Wielding, I thought I would try to help them out a little. I saw some poor newb using a Longsword and Short Sword, doomed forever to a pathetic attack bonus.

Deimonos said...

Kukri is a fantastic weapon. Not to mention that is THE only weapon a small sized char can weild and attack using his dex mod.

Dual weilding kukris or any other weapon works when you can rely on 2 things: 1)HiPS; or 2)Pale Master's crit immunity, EW and EA..

Str based builds with no boost on AC (pms, rdd) will have around AC50 by the time they get to Sheelo. Even with a shield, they'll still struggle against bears, spiders and formians..
Some say mountain slide is the easiest area on the server. One can solo ez there at lvl 16 if well build..
But Sheelo shows that strategy and group xping is the best way to go..

Blade said...

I have only one build with Kukri so far, "Jane CritsBlade" a halfling Athaslan who is searching Badlands for her "Tarzan"......

The way her build is turning out is like this; Kukri and Small Dev+8 Shield, with a division between STR & DEX such that AC is now 3 better than Full Plate wearing robes. I shall just put into STR to boost my Dev Crit Ability further....(ty Q)

I shall definitely try to obtain Mysteria for her :)

All the Best ..........Blade

Jim Brannick said...

Very good post, Deurack. I had to give some "love" back to the rapier though, so I organized my thoughts into a recent post.

Qwildurn said...

Deimonos said...
Kukri is a fantastic weapon. Not to mention that is THE only weapon a small sized char can wield and attack using his dex mod.

I think the Dagger and Hand Axe can also be used without penalty by a small Halfling/Gnome/Kobold.

The Dagger is a joke no matter what.
I built a Hobgoblin Fighter/Monk/WM that dual wields Hand Axes well.

There is no substitute for the Kukri. I agree this is a remarkable weapon with nothing to compare it too. The base damage is a low 1d4 and doing lots of damage in a single blow just won't happen. Get a Great Axe if you want BIG DAMAGE.
But, if your a dex based build with lots of attacks, a Kukri is a good choice. Monks can't use a shield anyway so duel wielding is not going to suffer an AC loss.

This little Bitch has a lot more Element Damage than can be bought in a shop. Coupled with +7 EB and keen, this is your weapon is you build for it.

Deimonos said...

lol, I wrote it all wrong. I meant, that kukri is the only good boss drop available for small sized dexers. Leech and backstabber do little damage.