Sunday, April 6, 2008

Damn, I'm dying!!

Heal me!!

Hello, after all the math problem topic thing below, I decided to write about something easier and less complicated: healing.
Lately, I've seen a lot of players using potions and not spending any points on healing skills.
When you are a lowbie and have like 40hp or so, it doesn't really matter which one you use; well, it does, a cleric with a high wis can usually heal all his hp with only one heal kit; but when you get on your epic lvls and all, you can see the difference between healing 30hp and 50hp each round..
Since I started making builds I've always concentrated on maxing discipline, heal and tumble when possible. Getting a stack of ten Healing Kits + 10 for 1720gp is not too much when you have more than 500hp and need to be healed as fast as you can.

Cure Critical Wounds: The target creature is healed of 4d8 points of damage, + 1 point per caster level to a maximum of +20.
Healing Kit: 1d20 + Heal Skill + Heal Kit Bonus + Wis modifier

So a lvl 40 with maxed heal (+43) and standard crap wis (8) with upgrades would have a wis 20 (mod +5), plus the healing kit bonus of +10.. = +58 then we need to add the rolled 1d20 that can be maxed out if the char isn't in combat. It would go from 59 to 78 healed hp. With skill focus or epic skill focus it would be even better, +3 and +10 respectively.. do the math there..

That's just an example.. as you level, the skill gets higher. And if the char has a high wis to start with.. hmm..
Well, after hearing a lot of heal me mg and buff me mg.. I kinda got stuck with that on my mind..
Later Badlanders.. lol


Garble said...

The best thing about heal kits at lower levels are that they DON'T cause an attack of opportunity. If you've only got 50HP and you're already low that can make the difference between life and death.

As for clerics and the heal skill...most of my caster cleric builds have enough spell slots that greater restoration does all the healing I need. I usually run out of implosions and divine power's before I run out of GR's. This would be a little different with out the AOE ban.

Deurack said...

Yeah, I remember how irritated I was when I realized how much time I had been wasting using spells like 'Cure Critical Wounds', ect. Healing kits make those spells completely obsolete, whether you’re using a potion, scroll or memorized spell. The only healing spells worth your time are ‘Heal’ and ‘Greater Restoration’.

Blade said...

Yes healing kits are excellent, providing that you can spare the skill points to put into Heal. Also my best Clerics tend to use Greater Restoration and Extended Greater Restoration and devote most of their lvl 7 & lvl 8 slots to these. Occasionally though, i have made a build where skill points are better employed elsewhere, if my char is not getting bashed in meellee and needs other skills like maybe Hide & Move Silently ? I know that with some chars it is possible to reach lvl 40 ( with a lot of solo play ) with a combination of resting and sucking on potions. High AC can offset not having Heal as a skill.

Blade said...

Ok, i better put this in perspective. i have 17 chars at the moment, and 2 of them have no heal skill. One is my Arcane Archer, and another is a Sorc / RDD / PM build i made. Most of the others have Heal maxed out, although a couple have like only 20 Heal Skill points.

All the Best ......Blade :)

Deimonos said...

Ok, good point. That's why I try to calculate how many skill points I'll need when I'm making a build. I don't do the excel sheet thing, always get the stuff as I level but I know if my char can't use cleric spells, he'll definitely need to heal himself, one way or another. I prefer with healing kits instead of the constant resting or low hp healing from potions.
High AC may give you an advantage of not getting hit so often like most chars but you'll get hit eventually, lose hp or whatever.
If you got HiPS you can just hide and use your healing kits as much as you want, it doesn't reveal yourself.. hmm, dunno if drinking a potion would though..

Terry17 said...

Drinking potions and casting heal spells takes you out of stealth mode. Heal Kits are the way to go with sneaky characters.