Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Zelda Live Action Movie!

I'm an old school console gamer from back in the NES days. I though you all might find this entertaining!

Zelda Movie Trailer Debut!


Matt McMinn said...

That's a lot of work for a joke.

Simon Hawk said...

That's exactly what I thought!

Deurack said...

Yeah...that looks...well...this is hard for me to say, cause I'm also an old school gamer and all, but that looked really...lame.

I hope that:
1) It was a joke, or
2) They work alot more on the movie and make it look MUCH better.

There's nothing worse than some second rate movie studio defiling a beloved childhood experience. I would hate to see that happen to The Legend of Zelda.

Cohort Mandibles said...

Good old April Fool's joke. Too bad everything on the internet is fake today. As much as a Zelda movie would suck and be shitty, a small part of me still wants to see one.