Monday, November 10, 2008

Tricks & Tips: No. 43 The Desktop Shortcut

You can skip all the movies and Gamespy crap if you want to.
This will work on any server, but you need to know that servers IP Address and port. An IP Address is a 12 digit number very similar to an 11 digit phone number: 532.016.832.120 An Internet Port is a colon followed by a number. :5121

  1. Make a shortcut of nwmain.exe on you desktop.

  2. Open the Properties menu and make sure you're in the Shortcut Tab.

  3. In the Target Box it should look similar to this: C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe

  4. Add this: +connect
    followed by the servers IP Address.
    It should look something like:
    C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe +connect 532.016.832.120
It's hard enough just finding out what the IP is to a server. But, most use a Dynamic IP (my server does) and that means the IP Address will change sometimes. And, you will need one shortcut for every server that you think is really cool. When the IP changes the shortcut stops working and you won't know why.

BadLands RPG can be done differently. We host our own Web Page and you can use our web name instead of a IP number. When our IP changes, the Name Lookup will automatically reflect those changes and the shortcut will still function.

If you did a default or recommended install, your command should look exactly like this:

C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwmain.exe +connect

The :5123 is the port to the server (not a magic port stone) and is needed for the 1.69 server we host.
:5123 is the port to BadLands RPG 1.69

Please note: I did not use HTTP or WWW in his shortcut.
You might want to change the name of the shortcut to match the server, BadLands RPG 1.69


Deurack said...

Very cool, nice to have this info in a easily accessible place for the future :)

Qwildurn said...

Just to validate myself, over the weekend my IP Address changed. The Gamespy History and Favorites are no longer working, but my Desktop Shortcut is.
If you really want to know my PUBLIC IP Address, it is:
Now I'm curious as to how long it will be until it changes again.