Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Blood Welcomed

More often than I like, I get asked by new players the same question, "How do I post a new topic in The Blog?"

Unfortunately, new topics are limited to those on the short list of contributors.
Anybody can, however, add a comment to an existing topic. Feel free to add to this topic without regards to "staying on topic".
Or, we sort of have a real Forum http://www.badlandsrpg.tk/
The forum was started by a player named Leg, who recently stepped down as the Admin there leaving me holding the bag.

I don't want to impose on The Blog, which is a wonderful place to chit-chat, brag and snivel. Simon Hawk is the Admin here at The Blog and I'm just a Contributor. Simon can also be the Head Admin at The Forum if he wants to be.


Crimsons Talkshow said...

Hello everyone, first of all I’ll make this clear. This is not the username Crimson has, this username is one you’ll never see logging in cause it never will.

For the past few days I’ve been trying out Badlands RPG and I must say it’s an amusing server. Also I’ve decided to test out the players that are one here and I’m astounded as to their reactions concerning pking, apparently it’s only fun if you win and only if you do it with a lvl 58 vs a lvl 27.

My char that’s been doing this is one that some of you have had the pleasure of meeting, his name is Crimson. Those of you who fought him and were at the same level have found out he can be quite a pain.

Of course I’ve only been doing this for a few days and I’ve taken special care in only attacking players that are around my level and within the 5 level range, there have been only 2 mistakes concerning that on my part. All I have to say about that is, you where in my way. Get out of it, and if you wait with respawning I’ll even rez you.

Aside from the 2 mistakes I’ve also fought some overpowering players, remember Scarlet? And there have been only 2 people that have taken the kill with the dignity that it deserves, Bishop Gump, and Scarlet. Bishop Gump I’ve fought and lost, he liked it and had a laugh. Scarlet called me a few names but besides that she didn’t, like all of the rest I killed “__TRON__” for example log a legendary level to show their superiority.

70% of the people I’ve fought ran, the rest stayed and felt the pain. Of all the people I’ve killed only 2 had the dignity to keep their mouth shut and get on with what they where doing in the first place.

So even with all the rules this server has concerning pking, still everyone gets all frustrated and needs to get revenge by all means necessary. I hope more of you will get some manners, and accept the real rules of the game and the server. I like it here, so watch your asses cause I might be back for more.


Simon Hawk said...

""so watch your asses cause I might be back for more.""

Better take your own advice.

darianthebold said...

Crimson thinks hes being clever ...rofl ..... I know all your secrets ...so behave!!!

Garble said...

Wow, that guy is a tool. I really hope everyone is nice to him so he sticks around.

Qwildurn said...

Crimsons Talkshow said... I like it here, so watch your asses cause I might be back for more.

You sound pretty self-assured, but you only mentioned the weak and cowardly that play here. Obviously you haven't met, or are afraid of, the tough and brave that also walk these lands.

Players like Soleares with his Pyro **** family of characters. Now there is a player that won't bow down to anybody and their empty threats. Pyro is one that can wield a sword with dignity and honor. He can be your best freind or your worst enemy. It's your choice and your life. You better watch out for Pyro.