Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nephtys Ellow, the Gnome

Friday night and a drunken Simon.. He logs in with Jim and we go trogging for a while. Jim logs off and Simon stays. He stays in ud sanctuary for a long time. Telling me that he had just made a drink, I get curious. Simon is always Simon, plus alcohol = major laughs for everyone.

We needed an extra ethercap gland but Simon couldn't focus much. After a few laps in deserted caverns, we went back to Cold Cliffs, but a shades with a robotic voice had killed the ethercap before us. So Nephthys, the gnome wanted revenge..

After getting her ass kicked by the robotic shades and Kitiara, the mage, we resumed our xp'ing on North Face. It got interesting because darian and dano logged in, so we had a pretty "role playing" experience over shout.

Til Nephthy's big mouth made a indigo fairy pretty pissed off...

Of course, it resulted in a dead hafling.. errr.. sry, gnome..

Not long after that, we were able to see/hear an interesting shout. For you who never met mickes or Ledak, here's a sample of what you have missed:

The gnome still wanted revenge but apparently couldn't even concentrate to send a tell to the correct person..

I was half asleep here, so I just laugh at that..

We had some interesting pvp stuff between Simon and dano but I didn't take any screen caps, sry about that!


Deimonos said...

I hope to see more of drunken Simon, hilarious!!!!!!!

Deurack said...

"I can kill the spawns for you, I just want a friend :( "

Ok, that's officially the most pathetic and sad thing I have ever heard, and I honestly feel bad about laughing to hard at it. That has GOT to be either Mickles or Ledak come back money is on Mickles. Although, he was never competent enough to actually kill anything, much less let someone else leech off of him, so...not sure.

Either way, I'm looking forward to killing MANY of these morons in the near future. I just hope they hurry up and get to level 40 so I can have some fun. I dont feel right about killing builds that are 10 levels lower than me :(

Qwildurn said...

Yeah, I was on as DM for while, lurking around. I was quite bored with it all actually.

Until I found a level 10 Thomas in the Beholder Tunnels leeching off off a level 17 12.......12. The Beholders where ignoring Thomas completely leading me to believe that a high-level player had buffed him with Greater Sanctuary.

Well, Beholders are known for their great magic and soon one appeared that could and did de-buff the party. Soon, they both exploded from more Beholder magic.

After that I think they hid in Dozo licking their wounds. Long enough that I got bored and moved on.

Then I found another party of wantabees in Northbound heading for Mountain Shelter. I'm always amazed when a party splits and creates multiple spawns and they all die by their own incompetence. And they couldn't seem to get it together. When they started spawn running trying to save themselves (at the expense of the others), I started helping. All they really need was more bears to block their path so they could not regroup.
Bears and Spiders, Oh my!
They eventually did get it together and kill the monsters and regroup. I got bored again and moved on.

Deurack said...

I love proactive DM's :P

darianthebold said...

Yeah I couldnt help but spice up that special little halfling..... and Ive seen alot of drunken simons episodes.
That 40 minute or so period was quite funny , with trying to teach death1432 big words, ragnorak needing a friend , dano finally squaring up with simon over at least 4 oki style toon swaps and everyone else just laughing or shaking their heads.
Not lokng after Mary left , dano and Big Bertha Butte thrashed it out, and several other pk attempts occurred later on.
Ragnorak finally found his friend in dark and went to UD with him.
they died in the tunnel and ragnorak logged a 26 to make safe passage.
Thats when the 26 "accidentally" healed his lvl 9 friend to a fatal finish 3 times over.
Those exchanges were the priceless shouts for me ----Rag + friend = pk

Garble said...

Questions about spawn running, If you find ourself outclassed, for instance your buffs wear off, are your supposed to just die? Also, if You're playing a rogue/stealth build, wouldn't it make sense for you to sneak past things you don't want to fight?

Qwildurn said...

Thats not spawn running.

Spawn running is intentionally running from point A to point B.

Your in New Port and you want to be in Underdark but you're not bound in UD. So... You make yourself invisable and run all the way there, leaving a wake of monsters along the way.

Pretty soon, a player comes in to level up and gets overwhelmed by all the spawns and dies.

I must admit, it is a big waste of time for a level 50 to to kill bears on the way to hunt a boss, but, how many bears can a level 30 handle? Most can't handle more than 1 at a time and now they have up to 10 bears on them.