Thursday, February 21, 2008

Drake Vega the Dracolich of Devastation

Here is a screen capture of Drake Vega right after he hit 49th level. He's got pretty good AC for a melee build, with good defensive capabilities including epic mage armor and epic warding. His attacks are decent, but he doesn't get many. However, when he connects he has a powerful devastating critical. All in all he is a lot of fun to play, especially against trogs and other farm animals. Bosses pose a problem though, which is why a decent spellcaster sidekick (aka, Hellie Lane or Blasty) would make him damn near invincible.


Garble said...

My next build is not going to have buffs. I don't want to use the ctrl or shift button. Also, the wiki says you can't get an attribute above 57. Obviously you did. Is the wiki wrong or is this a Q change?

darianthebold said...

Above 57 is not an issue. Remember that gear buffs give you +12 on standard scores as ABILITY buffs. Permanent gear buffing are always the best buffs.
Well done Jim , on Drake might have to kill him sometime.....looks tempting.
Thanks for displaying your stats to help me with that :)

Garble said...

Not to self, never leave Drake alone with Darian.

Jim Brannick said...

If Darian is anything, he's a comedian. Darian, if you were to kill Drake, it would be for your own personal satisfaction (and to my chagrin). Unfortunately, there'd be no one else on the server to enjoy seeing: [SERVER] Anuvien the Wanderer has PKed Drake Vega (level 51)

Well, there might be a couple people on to see it... but their lack of command of written English might exclude them from reveling in your victory.

Which brings me to my point... how do we propose drumming up more interest in Badlands RPG? Besides soliciting other servers (e.g., Carpathian Nightmare A-holes) there's got to be a way to get more players in there. I was on last Saturday night and there was one other person on. On a Saturday! What gives? Did everyone get NWN 2?

Cohort Mandibles said...

Well.. it was a Saturday. They were probably at the bar trying to pick up chicks.