Saturday, February 23, 2008

Odd Thing

My favorite way to farm giants and other clumsy livestock is to cast Storm of Vengeance. It works well when outnumbered because at least one of them will fail their reflex save. That's the one I case blade barrier on. It chews away at clumsy while I slice up the more agile ones.

Except now when i try to case blade barrier I get a message that "magical energy is being used for other spells." I looked at the rules and update logs. Did the latest patch change things so that only 1 area affect spell can work at a time or am I on drugs? It seems like battle tide also interferes with blade barrier, creeping doom, and storm of vengeance. Not that clerics aren't already pretty tough, but spamming aoe damage spells was their best boss killing technique. I can see only letting one of each work so that they don's stack with themselves but I liked being able to make the screen about me a hellish place for large slow farm animals.


darianthebold said...

If you still need any AoE spells stacked on top of each other to win fights then perhaps you should change from garble to garbage :)

darianthebold said...

In all serious matters , yes things changed and the longevity of the current rules are being reviewed ..fell free to comment to a server administrator regarding ur point of view ... assclown!

Garble said...

He's a cleric, stacking BB's is probably the best BK / farming trick he's got.

And I'd never complain to the server admin. I just mention something odd in public. If one the admins has time to notice that well, everyone needs a good belly laugh.