Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blast Bucket Triumphs!

Blasty yurfaceface kicked Sheelo's ass, then went to the underdark and mopped the floor with the drow weapon master AND killed the queen. What a fight, it was truly epic.


Cohort Mandibles said...

The guy on the left looks like he has a Vageyena Man face.

Jim Brannick said...

After battling countless Frost Giants in the Polar Cap, then scaling Bleak Peak whilst half-dragon sorcerers and clerics are attacking from all sides, Blasty finally attains the summit where he duels with the Evil Prismatic Dragon. After a grueling battle, Blasty prevails. What does our hero have to say after such and epic clash?... "cool"

I'm glad he wasn't the first person to walk on the moon... imagine how lame "cool" would be for that momentous occasion?

darianthebold said...

Grats on the BKs guys ...enjoy