This screen shot represents a personal best for me. My little unarmed monk managed to land the fatal blow that brought Sheelo to her demise, never before have I been so lucky while playing on BadLands.
It all started last night when Vic Vega handed over a pile of gold to Hellie Facebreaker the likes of which would make Donald Trump drool. After spending every last red cent on equipment upgrades Hellie headed up the mountain to obtain the snowpipes (thanks again to some pre-planning on Vic's part), once the snowpipes were aquired Hellie single handedly punched polar bears and frost giants in the face with great success at only level 24-25.
Vic, Hellie and a few others later in the evening continued to battle ants and ice spiders while quickly growing in strength, the groups confidence was overflowing when they decided to take on the Frost Giant Badass, many were lost but a few strong souls prevailed! Once the group revived it's dead and licked it's wounds they continued to climb the mountian growing ever stronger. Finally they reached the crest where the dragon Sheelo awaited them. The battle was fierce and seemed almost never ending, but the determined party hacked, slashed, and punched their way to victory! What awaits these tried and true adventurers fate only knows.
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