Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Last night while playing on BadLands RPG, a player named Colossus-X logged in a few times to solicite his server called "A Carpathian Nightmare" or something like that, not sure exactly. Now aside from all the annoying players that we've discussed people who solicite are the WORST offenders in my book. I hate that shit so much I actually logged into their server and verbally berrated them over shout for soliciting at BadLands. Needless to say I got banned in like 20 seconds, myself and one other person told them to never do that shit again, (tyrswrath I think it was). Unless you have permission from a DM to advertise, then stay the hell off.


Garble said...

Dude, you're thinking small again. The better idea is to go and break whatever rules they have. PK, PP, set traps at the transition points etc. That's a LOT more annoying and time consuming for them and not that hard. Think about how much of a pain you could be with a 3rd level character setting traps and sniping in low level areas

Simon Hawk said...

Honestly I did think about that, but I don't have time to start yet another venture. It was late and I was pissed, to I just took the easy way out.

darianthebold said...

Garble spot on the trick is to lure recruiters into a pvp area like say lurid to talk about their uber server. Give them a chance ....then carve the turkeys. Tends to send an equally good message as garble suggested. Remember ift hey run and you lock on u can finish them in dozo or anywhere. ACN is full of pkers ...they always recruit for fresh victims to pk ...
Do the pk here but its stress relaxing to samsh a recruiter if they are non stop contact a dm as soon as possible.

Garble said...

For really really annoying solicitors we should go there, and really mess stuff up. Lots of spawns that we don't kill. Buy lots of arrows and heal kits and leave them all over the place. really slow it down.