Sunday, February 17, 2008

Rana Ellow

Ever since Darian heard of the infamous 40th level Rana Ellow build, he's been literally hounding me non-stop for screen shots of the final stats as proof. I know this is HOT so please keep a plastic cover over your keyboard D . :))

(More real updates coming soon.)


darianthebold said...

Ahh Simon good job ....Rana returns. Might get you as a full time pro recommending build designs to new players ...recommending haha accidental pun ...LOL!

Jim Brannick said...

Wow! A whopping armor class of 53!!! So basically, Rana was getting hit by EVERY attack of EVERY creature on Sheelo mountain. I wish I could've bought stocks in "heal kits +10" since you probably bought out Guzz.

Garble said...

The 40'th level recommended build. If only it were possible to edit your character description to say your famous quote
"I don't think you're going to do better than the programmers at Biorware. The recommend button is the way to go!"

Simon Hawk said...

It was a hard road travelled lemme tell ya.