Monday, March 10, 2008

Assassins Reign

Few interesting things this past weekend.

1.) My first time ever playing in a tournament style game, apparently BL has a few areas that the DM's can port you into for team battle's or deathmatch style games. The level character you could use was capped 8, which was kinda cool because you really have to know your shit in order to make a decent warrior in 8 levels. If you don't have a level 8 on hand you are given the option to create a new toon and the DM would give you 8 levels and then port you into the arena. Aside from the typical whiny players that can't handle a defeat, it was pretty fun. I ended up being on the winning team and "Q" (I think it was) awarded us with a sweet bag of holding.

2.) Started a few new builds, but it's been awhile since I've played through the lower level areas and I think Mosquito Wolfe has been changed around a little, making it a bit more difficult to just run into the caverns I don't know maybe it's just me.

3.) And the most interesting thing of all, Im a little shy on details but apparently now there are some assassins on BL that for a price will 'off' someone for you.

1 comment:

Deurack said...

As the player who leads the guild 'House Thanatos', I am officially making an announcement that most members of my guild are more than happy to be paid to kill. We enjoy killing for the sheer pleasure of it, and being paid to do what you love isnt work, it's just pure enjoyment.

The going rate for an Assassination is 1,000 gold per level of the person to be assassinated. Payment will be required before services are rendered. Failure to have sufficient funds available upon request of our services will result in the slaughter of the asking party.

Boss killing services are also available. Prices will be negotiated on a 'per service' basis.

Please either contact us in game or leave a response to this message if you are in need of our services.