Sunday, April 19, 2009

The New Evil Guild

Skullcrusher (Troll Snott) has reached level 50 and been given a guild slot. He wasn't my first choice in guild leaders, but Darian thinks enough about him and made it happen. But, nobody else was willing to stand up and say, "I want some abuse time too!"

"Black League"

"Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! Want us to steal candy from your baby brother? We will kill him to get it! Want your neighbors old dog kicked? We will castrate him too!"

Skullcrusher is one of those brash types that just rubs you the wrong way. Speaking of which, I've got a fresh story about Skullcrusher and a noob.

I was on the other day as Qwildurn DM. Not many players on and one I didn't know, so I port over to say High and welcome. This new player didn't waste any time complaining to me about Skullcrusher.
"I asked him a simple question and he got all mad and was real nasty to me. And then he lied to me and claimed to be a DM."
"Skullcrusher is one of my DM's.", I replied. "Me and all my DM's are players first, DM's second. You will find them playing more than DM'ing. What was it you wanted to know?"
Chatter continues and he tells me that a "good DM" will be happy to give new players armor and good stuff. I begin to tell him about the guilds and how the entire realm is one big playing field, and he says to me,
"Yes, I know all this. I had a level 59 before the wipe."
Did I fail to mention his question to Skullcrusher was, "What is there to do in this world?"
"No wonder Skullcrusher got pissed.", I was thinking.


Troll Snott said...

Har Har! Now I'm on the web and that makes me important!

I am the new evil leader and I plan to bring BadLands back to it's former glory. The goodness will be pushed back into darkness once more. Evil will triumph again. No more Mr. Nice Guy! You can't help others if you can't help your self! Travel solo and you ass is mine sucker!

As far as that noob goes, I was busy killing Betty and didn't have time for his nonsense. All I really said to him was, "We earn our lives here." And, "It's a real DND adventure, go out and explore." Not really sure what there was to get pissed about. I was pounding the keyboard, but geeze!, really? Grow up punk!

extomorf said...

well i don't think troll snot can be any worse than the other guild leaders. I don't mean any offense to them but is boring seeing so and so from such guild just got some other bloke from another guild. the evil guild for example should be like assassins or the thieves guild, and the good guild kinda like the police not just meeting up in the underdark for a 10 min brawl. whats the name of he evil guild? as long as it's not named after eminem i'm happy.

i went on another server recently that was uncanny in it's resemblance to badlands and as a new player i got given a free 40 lvl toon and 2 mill gold, which was cool in terms of the money but once i lvled him up it was shit what i do now it takes all the fun out of it if you give free stuff to new players also they don't learn whats there is to do.

Simon Hawk said...

Black League isn't like The Black Panthers, is it? Cause this could get dicey.

extomorf said...

As long as it's not like the black parade because last thing we need is a bunch of 13 years old cutting themselves because they can't kill black betty.

extomorf said...

A black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, including light, can escape its pull. The black hole has a one-way surface, called the event horizon into which objects can fall, but never emerge from. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics.

A Black ho is simerlar as they have several black holes but are the good kind.

never heard of black friday is that like wacky tie day?

Qwildurn said...

Black Friday is an American thing. It's the day after Thanksgiving. All the stores have wicked sales and the shoppers literally get in fist fights over packages of underwear.

I know the difference between a Black Hole and a Black Ho. Again, it's an American thing. Both are in reference to Prostitutes. The word is 'Whore'. In the North, the dialect pronounces it as 'Hole' and in the South, like 'Ho'.

When my step-daughter was in high school, she came home one day telling us about a new student from England. One of the Americans call her mother a 'Ho' and the new student asked, "Why are you calling my Mother a garden tool?"
"Gosh, those England people are so stupid!", my step daughter exclaimed.
I asked my step daughter if she knew what 'Cheerio' and 'Lori' meant.
"Of course, breakfast cereal and a girls name. I'm not stupid!"

extomorf said...

Huh i learn something new everyday, now that you explain what black friday is i remember hearing about it in a film once. Is thanksgiving always a thursday then and not a set date like Christmas?

extomorf said...

I think there may be some confusion about my comment about black parade. The Black parade is an album by my chemical romance which in my opinion are a really shite band, also most of there fans are 13 year old self harmers.

Qwildurn said...

Yes, Thanksgiving is always on the last Thursday in November.

I never heard of My Chemical Romance or Black Parade, but I did have my own romance with chemicals. Can't say there was any parade in my honor. But, I do agree that we get enough players with certain 'life challenges' that we don't need any with 'extreme life challenges'. When schools out for summer, BadLands is like a Day Camp for the mentally challenged.

extomorf said...

Thats not good was planning on hiding on there for the summer as all the kids are in the town centre and there so annoying.

There really is no escaping them.