Friday, April 3, 2009

Will the Real Slim Shady Please Learn the PK Rules?

Well, tonight was an extremely interesting evening. It's possible that we've seen the last of Dano, aka Shady, aka the leader of the Shady Undertakers. He got really upset about some events tonight and swore he was leaving, never to return. I think it's best to let these pictures do the talking.

Here you see some perfectly legal PK'ing going on. I don’t know what happened, I wasn’t there, but from the shouts it looks like there were 3 people there but only 1 fought Shady. And even if it was 3 on 1, it might be cowardly, but if you're going to be the leader of the Chaotic Evil Guild on a PK server, you're gonna be a target. You have to expect some of that. Anyway, witty banter ensues;

Now, here's where it gets interesting. Anyone who's fought Dano knows that when he gets killed, his typical response is to log off, get a toon that is higher level than the people who killed him and go get revenge. But he made a big mistake...he killed people who were MUCH lower level than him who were NOT in a guild. Can you say "PK POINTS?" anybody? The picture is worth a thousand words:

You’ll notice if you look carefully that Shady has switched toons. The one that Blade killed was around the same level, but Shady Shadow is level 57!! Also, I think he forgot that there was a mage nearby, and the mage, Rune Rifthook laid the smack down on him and killed him. And here’s where it gets really fun. Apparently Dano never took the time to read the PK rules, and didn’t know that if you get enough PK points and you get killed by a player, you get sent straight to Jail. Dano thinks the DM put him there, and hilarity ensues:

Look at the first line, he thinks the DM did it! He’s blaming the DM for not using the Jail system that put him in Jail…now THAT’S ironic!

People start feeling guilty and talking about their feelings:

And just to make sure that everyone knows exactly what happened, I made it very clear in a series of shouts:

Here’s a friendly little note to anyone who’s thinking of starting a Chaotic Evil PK guild: You might wanna know the PK Rules of the server.

Just a tip.


Dark_1423 said...

lol that was funny

Qwildurn said...

I know this will be heard by deaf ears, but, I need to say it anyway.

Rune Rifthook, or who ever it was that captured Shady, the bounty reward is waiting to be picked up. Go see the Warden.

Shady: You have broken several server rules all in one short time, some are punishable by ban.

1) Swearing on shout.
- Absolutely no swearing on shout. Ever.
2) Switching characters for the purpose of revenge.
- This is RPG and the second toon was NOT a part of the original situation.
- You can-not switch toons for the purpose of revenge.
- This is Character VS Character, not, Player VS Player.
3) Guild members can-not PK non-guild characters.
- You can kill ANY guild member, but NOT NON-guild toons.
- As a leader, this could cause the guild to be removed.
4) No derogatory slang on shout.
- Nig is short for nigger.
- You can hate Dwarfs and Elfs, but Niggers and Jews.
5) Hmm, I invent something soon.

So, knowing that the PK System is broken and won't let you out of jail after 20 minutes, you grab the chainsaw from Doom and turn the white hills of Sheelo into pink powder and red water just like a Ladies Room.

And then, blame it in a laggy server. If the server hadn't of lagged, you could have run away like a coward?

It's all really simple actually, Dude!
1) Accept the rules or don't play the game.
2) Accept defeat as if it was a victory so we can all play again tomorrow.
3) Uhm, here's your sign.

Since you're now in jail (by a player) and you can't get out without the help of a DM.... I need to think about this a while longer.

Oh, one more thing. When you accuse a DM of something, you really should have a name ready. I'm pretty sure all my DM's are man enough to have confronted you and you wouldn't be guessing.

Simon Hawk said...

That is hilarious! This is exactly why I love BadLandsRPG. ROFL.

I'm just dissapointed that I had to miss it in person.

Deimonos said...

Hey, I was there. Tired as hell but it still amused me to see that there's still players like that for some comic relief.. hahaha

extomorf said...

Why is it when i decide to have an early night (british here) everything exciting kicks off, it's bloody annoying i could of stripped down to my pants and got some beer and enjoyed the show.

If he doesn't get banned he'll come back.

(bet sod all happens tonight if i go on)

Deurack said...

I'm not entirely sure what "Sod All" means (I'm pretty sure it means "nothing" from watching Guy Richie movies) but I'll do my best to kill some people and make it interesting :P

Jim Brannick said...

First off, it's good to see Deurack around again and Deimonos too. I've been able to squeeze in a little BL RPG lately between playing Left 4 Dead, Guild Wars and drinking myself into oblivion. It's good to see some familiar faces when I'm sober enough to farm drow.
Second, welcome to all the new players that have tread the snowy slopes and desert caves of the BL.

Finally, is anyone really surprised at Dano??? I mean, seriously? There was a time when his ridiculous behavior would have surprised or shocked me, but that time is long gone. I think every one of us has witnessed first-hand how much of an ignorant narcissist that guy is. And who hasn't played "musical toons" with him while he searches for a toon to bash you with.

One more thing:
Q, I understand completely that this is "Character v. Character" (or that it should be), but when you've got goons like Shady running around, it's understanding that ppl are ready to jump him, regardless of his "character".
(In fact, I recall that Deurack has gone after specific Players for things they have done to him.. I.e., altering the way he plays the game, ruining the server and driving regulars away, etc. I won't name names, but I think we all know the few that I'm referring to)
Anyway, this is much more interesting that reality TV!

jazirian said...

BAH ....who cant honestly relate to a full online tantrum with a double backflip from time to time .... I mean we arent blade are we ???

I saw dano log last night ..... so hes not entirely lost ..... and whats the point of having a P v P server in the first place if we opt to make terse rules like its Character vs Character ...role play the "beef" or dont fight ....WTF !!!!!
Do i need to bring my duelling gloves next time ? With Kentucky Fried Colonel and sad one-liners

Deurack said...

Jazarian is back, fun fun fun :)