Friday, April 17, 2009

Guess Who's Back?

Shady's back...back again...Shady's back...tell a friend...guess who's back, on his back, been attacked, he's so whack...

Ok, I cant do much more of that. Anyway, after SWEARING that he's gone for good, and we can all suck it (ect) he's back. He says that he needs to recreate his "army" of toons before he'll make another guild, because you need an "army" to run a guild. That way when someone smacks your build around like a little bitch you can try to find one that can kill the bitch slapper. I remember him and Quad taking LITERALLY 20 minutes trying to come up with 2 builds that could kill Belpheron after I challenged him. Yeah, I challenged HIM and he wouldnt fight me without Quad there. It took me all of about 10 seconds to kill them both, after they had 20 minutes of preparation.

That's why I'm so excited about seeing Dano and Quad back together again. The server just wouldn't be as fun without them, and we wouldn't have as many opportunities for homosexual innuendo either.


Qwildurn said...

Yes Shady is back in town. It was just to damn hot and bright without a little shade for relief.

After sulking for a week from a good old fashioned put-you-over-my-knee-spank-your-bare-ass-pink-"granny-style", the server let out a shout saying that Shady the Baby Killer is in jail. Most of us let out a warm rub-it-in-your-face hoot. Shady didn't waste any time sending me tells asking for an early pardon and making up cheap excuses about why he was the innocent victim and they are the cheating criminals.

I was very direct then and now, "No, I won't ever let that toon out of jail." and, "No, you can't have another guild." I actually had to remind Dano that he had other toons that weren't in jail he could play.

It wasn't very long until the server let out another shout, "Shady has PKed again!" Just fucking classic!

Troll Snott said...

Me hates cowards!
Me hates cry-babies!

Deimonos said...

haha, Badlands still brings us funny stories to laugh about..

I think there should be a sign in Dozo: "Legendary Players... point and laugh 'cause it ain't about skill but whining and bitching 'status'"

1° dano112
2° shadow251988
3° mickles
and so on..

Deurack, guess you'll have to wait til he can handle a mage build.. mind you it took him like a year to finally be any good with the monk/cleric/sd and use it for everything and anywhere he went.. so, probably in 1 year or so he'll be rdy for u.. of course, with his sidekick tagging along..

Deurack said...

rofl, Mickles...I kinda miss Mickles, although Opalfish is pretty much filling his spot :P

extomorf said...

hmm yes opalfish. would it be classed as internet bullying if i was to spend my time following his toons and killing them? (also as i'd be doing what everyone else wants to do i should be exempt from jail)

Simon Hawk said...

Hilarious post, Deurack.
I think you should start writing rap lyrics, BL-RPG style.