Thursday, April 2, 2009

Will the real Evil Guild please stand up?

Ok, I just had a conversation with Shady (dano) who told me that contrary to my passionately held belief, the "Shady Undertakers" is not a massively lame name for an evil guild because "dude, look up Shady Underground on the internet, they're all bastards".

So I looked it up and realized that the supposedly evil guild on Badlands right now is named after the rapper Eminem. Now dont get me wrong, I think he's an awesome artist and I like his music, but really...RPG and all that, not to mention that the "Shady Undertakers" just makes me snicker.

So here's fair warning. Belpheron is level 40. So is Sidian Saine and Necur is getting close. While none of my toons are in a guild and I cant claim any territories, I'm just going to start bashing anyone I see that is glowing, regardless of the color, because as far as I'm concerned I havent seen a guild yet that is worthy of any respect.

If I'm wrong, show me, but expect a good fight.


Simon Hawk said...

All hail the non-guild rebellion!

Qwildurn said...

OMG! I'm sooo confuzed....

Clearly all the guilds act more like Chaotic & Evil than they do anything else. But this is BadLands after all.

I did do the search and didn't come up with squat! I started with "The Shady Undertakers" because that is the full guild name. Then I shortened the search criteria to "Shady Undertakers" and got some hits, nothing usable though. I used five different search engines and only Google showed this blog entry, LOL.

Finally, I did a generic search for Shady Undertakers Eminem. The word Undertaker is no where in the lyrics to "The Real Slim Shady" by Eminem.

In conclusion, I think "The Shady Undertakers" is a great guild name and there are already plenty of in-game references to music from the real world.

Look for a new topic called, "Name That Tune". Coming to theaters soon.

Deurack said...

It's not the Shady Undertakers you can find on the internet, it's "Shady Underground". I found a Yahoo Group by that name dedicated to the worship of all things "Slim Shady"...they even had artwork.


Qwildurn said...

Now I'm even more confuzed....

Unknown said...

I'd have to disagree with the comment on all the guilds trying to be evil bastards. There's been several times that the lawfull good guild had to leave the party because they had to unpetrify a character asking for it. Also people asking for cash, transfers or the hellbeast's eye have gotten it for free since they where lawfull good thus shouldn't want to make profit. I haven't noticed the "old" good guild living up to their name this much. The neutral guild, I'm not so sure about. So far I've only been given the chance to laugh at the shouts of either of the other 2 guilds ripping their leader to shreds.

Jim Brannick said...

Is it just me, or does "Shady Undertakers" sound like a bunch of necrophiliacs working in a funeral home???

Deurack said...

ROFLMAO @ Jim...because you're right!!