Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big Bad Dev Crit DC

I am posting this for Troll Snott. He is bragging or sneering about Deving Dark_1432 in the arena. Qwildurn

My toon Shark Bait went up against Dark's toon Holy in the arena. I won twice out of two battles, Deving him 4 times and he killed me once on a Dev. Am I gloating? You bet I am!

The main reason for this post is to resolve an argument (small) about my claim to having a Dev DC of 75. Dark says my Dev DC is only 65. I say It is 75 fully buffed and raged. In this image (cropped) you can see my Dev DC and Dark's Fort Save DC. I was not buffed, only Raging.

As you can see, my Dev DC is 71 + 1d20 while his Fort Save is 49 + 1d20

I would have posted to the Badlands Builders Challenge topic, but images can only be published in the main post.

Both our toons are nearly the same build, Deep Orc, Barbarian / RDD / Bard.
Holy did beat me in strength by 1 point, but clearly that's not enough to bowl me down. Not really sure what the differences are, maybe I have more Con. A higher constitution helps for a better Fort Save which is the defence against Dev Crit.

Oh, "Good Fight, Holy".

Troll Snott

Well, I'm staying out of this lovers quarrel.


Deimonos said...

Actually, your dev crit DC is only 63. The 71 you see up there is a second ab roll to see if your crit lands..
Had Dark the Bright rolled 14+, he'd have survived..

Blade said...

Hiya Blade here :)

I have a Barbarian 29 / Bard 1 / RDD 10 Ogrillon and so it has some similalities with the bulds mentioned here, although maybe not "Optimised " enough to be included in the Badlands Builders Challenge thread. {I found Jim's Discourse on an optimised ogrillon in that thread very interesting/ ty Jim}

Abominator Abomniblade is only Level 41 at the moment.

He has spent quite a lot of feats on stuff other than GreatStrength, and I suppose has not been built in he same "Serious Vein" as the ones on the Challenge. He only has one Great Strength Feat so far, but has done very nicely on Constitution =22 + 12 = 34 :)

Strength is 57 before raging / he doesn't buff.

Dev DC (in blue DC=57) killing 2 trogs just now :)

His weapon is the most fun, he trained from the start to use Heavy Flail and Tower Shield and uses the Boss items.

He is the only char i have seen in the Game to use "Abomanator"

These are some of his Feats at Epic Levels :-

Damage Reduction III
Epic Weapon Focus Heavy Flail
Epic Prowess

I don't even know if those 3 Feats i took in Damage Reduction will help him or stack with his Barbarian Damage Reduction.

However i wanted to do something with his Base CON =22 :)

Plan now is to get as much Great Strength as i can for him :)

Any further input / help / Arena fights and tests with Shark Bait and Holy etc would be fun and welcome :)

All the Best ....Blade :)

Qwildurn said...

When I built "Big Red the little dragon", an Arctic Dwarf / Bard-PM-RDD, I was very disappointed to learn (the hard way) that the damage reductions didn't stack. This was a toon from before the Big Crash, and is gone now. I did remake it later, a bit different though.

The original Big Red had a lot of Con and I took some Damage reduction feats, then earned a Dev Shield, then got Epic Warding.
What I found later, was that none of these three damage reductions were stacking. Only the single strongest one would work. When Epic Warding would wear off, then the Dev Shield's damage reduction would work. When I switched over to two weapons, then the Damage Reduction Feats would start working.

I also realized that I had done several other things that had been a big waste of feats for that build. This was to be a "Dual Scimitar Build", but I didn't have the AB to hit while holding two swords. I also didn't get Warding and Mage Armor until level 39 and didn't have the AC to survive without a shield.

Basically, I had wasted 6 feats on a feat starved build. My rebuild took Great Strength VI instead and was a much better build.

Big Red was still a tough dude and I did spend the time to rebuild him, this time a bit more "fine-tuned".

Troll Snott said...

OK. I stand corrected. My Dev Crit DC is 63. Fully buffed my DC should be a few points higher.

26 levels of Barbarian gave me a few points of Damage Reduction (DR). Probably not more than 5. Not enough to matter. I could have taken feats in DR, but that would have taken away from my focus. Even if I had set my focus on DR by Barbarian Feats, I doubt it would be enough to really matter.

My Primary focus was maximum strength, not AB or .... My secondary focus was maximum damage with or without a Critical Hit. Anything and everything else only didn't matter.

I figured that Half-Orc, Deep Orc, Barbarian, RDD, UBER Rage and Strength Scroll (Bard UMD) was the best way to get MAX STRENGTH. Granted a different build can get better AB or better AC or better ...., but I wanted MAX STRENGTH.

If you want Damage Reduction, Epic Warding is the way to go. Other options would be Barbarian and/or Dwarven Defender with lots of Con.

Terry17 said...

All the Damage Reduction Feats stack.

Barbarian, Dwarven Defender, and Epic Feats all stack together.
None of them stack with Stoneskin, Greater Stoneskin, Premonition, or Epic Warding.
I found that out the hard way, after getting up to level 33 with a Bard/Dwarven Defender/Pale Master build.