Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Account Hacking

I've shut the server down until I can make it secure.

We've been hacked! More correctly, about seven months ago Bioware was hacked and the player accounts / passwords were compromised. Several months ago Bioware shut down their server that authenticates player account names and passwords. That means anybody can log in to any account without a password check, all they need to know is the correct spelling.

You can follow these links for further information:

I was unaware of this until informed by a player. I did some checking and found out a few things. Our accounts been accessed by "people" other than ourselves. I have a list of accounts that I know have been compromised and I have two CD Keys that are being used to do the hacking.

One of the CD Keys belongs to our old friend, Gart. Somehow Gart managed to get passed my permanent ban list. For those who don't know Gart, he got banned on five (5) CD Keys, most of which were probably stolen.

Gart, if you're reading this, "Your a jerk!" I would use stronger words, but this is a family channel. Someday you're going to end up in prison as Bubba's Backdoor Bitch. My only regret is the video won't be published to YouTube.

The other CD Key points to "Ruby der Killer" and the IP being used is in Germany.

The following is a list of accounts that have been compromised. Please note that my account is in this list. These are only the ones that I know about. No doubt there are other accounts and other CD Keys involved.

Ruby der Killer
Mr. Chemical
Simon Hawk
Hubert Pape
Bunte Reiter
Bluntmad Joker
the master devil

So, until I can figure a way to secure your accounts, I've shut my server down.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Neverwinter Nights 3

Time to 'suit up' everyone, grab your sword and shield then get get ready to hack some monsters to pieces, thats right Neverwinter 3 is happening!