Last nights game was fun and hilarious, everyone had a good character to play and the “dings” were plentiful. Of course the best part was the trash-talking over ‘shout’ with the PC Nubbie. The whole thing started when I created a brand new character so I could level-up with Garble & ColdCut who also made new characters that night.
Being strapped for time I whipped up a female elven /monk, and typed in the first thing that came to mind when it was time to give her a name (since I didn’t PLAN on playing this character for more than one night)…I typed in “Smackie Yur-Faceface”! Perfect name for an unarmed female monk build I thought, wrong!
Everything was going great, Garble was launching fire and acid spray everywhere with his mage, ColdCut was punching enemies in the face with his monk, as was I. Then I get this private message from Nubbie saying that my characters name was offensive in some manner. I couldn’t understand why, and that’s when the stuff hit the fan, I had a few captains and cokes in me by that time and thought it was a good idea to antagonize Nubbie (He’s the one who messaged me first.) After a few remarkes back and fourth through private chat, things moved to ‘shout’ so EVERYONE could read the exchange.
By this point Nubbie wanted to PK poor level 9 Smackie Yur-Faceface, Nubbie is like level 36 just so you know. My party and I were bashing Tyrant Fog Zombies when all of a sudden Nubbie appears and spawns like 15 enemies, I managed to run down a hall and port back to Dozo but all the ‘Nubbie spawns’ killed my teammates since there were just too many of them.
Finally another high level player private messaged me and said to lead Nubbie to the Crystal Coast so that he could kill him, so I did, plus he battled Nubbie in the arena and killed him twice there, it was great. My party and I watched from the bleachers while we used our “Laugh” emotes repeatedly adding to the hilarity. I think the guys name was Anuvein the Wanderer or something like that I’m not completely sure. Once Nubbie was defeated he kept challenging Smackie Yur-Faceface to a duel, but she wasn’t enough close to being powerful enough to fight the Nubbster, so I brought in the big guns. Shayla Ellow, a 35th level greatsword fighter unfortunately for her, her AC is only 51 and she lost to Nubbie (That’s why I never fight monks, I don’t know why I even tried, must’ve been the rum talking).
Finally I got bored with trash talking with Nubbie, but he continued to stir up the other players on the server. Going on and on about starting Guilds and having Guild Wars, I’m sorry but none of us have time for that, I don’t even think I’ve ever built a character past level 40 on BadLands. Anyways, it was all super funny and we all had a good time (I think) playing last night hopefully the fun will continue. At least the DM will have an entertaining chat-log if he keeps that sort of thing.