Saturday, August 2, 2008

Log Claims

During this week, I saw players loggin on inside outposts and claiming them without earning the right to do so. The system is supposed to boot you out of the outposts when it checks and sees that the player inside does not own it. Sometimes it doesn't work and sometimes it does, but if one is fast enough, he can claim it before getting booted.
Some players, those who struggle to kill the bosses and therefore earned the outposts, are pretty pissed off. Even demanded the cheaters' guild to be disbanded.
First time is a warning, next time the guild will be disbanded and the player won't be able to have a guild anymore.
Free Blades and Arcane Brotherhood, be aware of that..


Qwildurn said...

There is a spirit to DND (Dungeons and Dragons). Cheating and exploiting things is not part of that spirit. It's really suppose to be an "Honor System". Sometimes I feel like I spend more time fixing exploits and chasing cheaters that I do anything else.
I had to build a way to prevent unearned stealing of Outposts and Fortresses. This "system" was checking a player at log on to see if they logged into a territory that was no longer theirs. Then I found that players with slower computers could "avoid" this check and steal an Outpost they had not gainfully earned. So I made the system check every 5 seconds for one minute (at logon only).

This is the first I've hears of a problem in a few years. On this last update (ver 85), I changed the time to two (2) seconds and it still checks for one minute. If players still find ways to cheat or exploit this, I will be PISSED and I will give the DM's permission to permanently BAN cheaters.

It's these kind of checking systems that have the biggest impact on Server Lag.

Qwildurn, Server Host

SF Daishi said...

After I heard about this happening this morning I was very upset. I quit the 1st guild I was in ( You know who you are) because that had happened. Then I made my own guild and that was dumb. Just this morning I disbanded my guild to join up with some friends that had had that happen to them. Everything quicky fell apart. I am starting to loose intrest in the guilds. I dont like cheats. If you cheat how do you learn? I must admit I had logged into 1,68 only to delete my chars if I had more than 10 (Ive OCD.) If I have to I will give up all my chars to try and help Q catch the cheaters. I dont know what I can do to help but I will keep a watchfull eye.
Sorry im going on and on but I am so upset about exploits.

Deurack said...

Sorry guys, I admit I did that the other night. The day before I had killed the Medusa with Belpheron, claimed the Spire and logged off, and when I logged back on a day later I was still standing right in front of the...thingy you use to claim the territory. I didnt think anything of it and casually used my amulet to check what territories my guild owned and realized they didnt own any. I was confused since usually when I log into a Territory that I dont own it sends me to Dozo but this time it didnt. I stood there for a few seconds, waiting to transfer and when it didnt happen I claimed the territory.

That is the second time I have done that in the almost 2 years I have played here and I wont do it again.

Sorry guys.

Qwildurn said...

My DM was listening in on a private conversation.
Yes, eavesdropping.
And I feel I must add this note.

You have every right to log out from, and back into, any Outpost or Fortress that you own. The server will port you out if the territory changed hands while you were away. I don't have a problem with that.
If you still own it you don't need to reclaim it and you don't get ported.
I guess the point is to not try to cheat. If you want it back, earn it back.

Q - The Big Ear

Qwildurn said...

The Spire didn't port Deurack and the Royal Oyster didn't port Paine Killer. It must be a 1.69 thing I need to chase down and fix. There must be other areas that slip this radar now. I will have to look at it from a differant viewpoint.

But it's still not OK to exploit this.


erik!!!! said...

Yeah, i tried telling you while you were on, but Undeath didn't get ported from catamount either.

Shadow Blades said...

Thank you Q for keeping it real around here.I feel the same way.And never,SF for president.

Blade said...

Hiya Blade here:-

I offended having a char next to a territory marker and claiming without thinking since 1.69, I have repented and promised not to do this again. Furthermore I have removed all my champions to Dozo, indeed all my chars are there now. I had a Grand Parade and SF Daishi inspected all my troops. I do not wish to be thought of as a cheater, indeed I wish i could be above reproach, hence i will aim not to have chars in outposts or fortresses anymore. There is no advantage in placing them there, so you may as well not. If you own Underdark one then you can use your char who is bound in MShelter to go through that place to UD, or if you want an immunity to knockdown buff and you own the territory then go there and get your buff etc. You lose nothing by starting out in Dozo / Newport / UD / Northbound / Clerics Tower etc
so why not make Q's life easier and let him remove stuff that causes lag if that is the answer.
We must all cooperate together to get the gaming experience that we all want. The DM's and Admin should not be having to use their time constantly chasing down people who are spoiling the game for others. In my opinion they would have more time and it would be an even more enjoyable experience if they didn't have to" Police " us so much. Then maybe there would be more time for fun stuff and improvements that enhance the server and game time online for everyone.

All the Best ........Blade

God loves a sinner that repenteth :)

Jim Brannick said...

I admit that the same thing happened to me this morning that happened to Deurack a few nights back. I hadn't played Gnimble in a LONG time, and I wanted to log him on to create some scrolls. Well low and behold I am in Catamount. After standing there for a few moments (expecting a boot) nothing happened. I casually walked up to the terrie marker, saw it was "claimed", figured it was my guild's (since I hadn't gotten the boot after a few minutes), but clicked claim territory anyway... and claimed it. After seeing the 'shout' my first reaction was, "whoa, how the hell did that just happen?". Let me be very clear here: my intention was NOT to cheat. In fact, this all happened when Zen, Deimonos, Shadowblade and SF were all logged on. How stupid would it be to try to cheat in front of all those guys? It didn't take long before all the nasty tells started bombarding me. I wasn't going to play dumb, I told Deimonos exactly what happened. I couldn't explain myself in more detail to the morality police since my kid had just woken up and I had to tend to that. I was totally ignorant of this "boot bug" until I spoke with Simon (who is on vacation this weekend) over the phone today. He explained that this had been happening recently and the DMs were getting super pissed about it. I'm sorry if I don't spend enough time on the server to be fully entrenched in all the "drama", and the territory that Gnimble claimed this morning was an honest mistake. I won't do it again, but I can't speak for the multitudes of others. The best solution is to fix the bug. I'm not sure if it's possible, but I suggest that ALL players login to Dozo, regardless of where they logged off. This would easily solve the "territory login" problem, and PCs could still port to their bind point, guild's terries, etc.

On a side note, it has come to my attention that I have been put under a microscope (for the territory incident this morning, and for a relevel that I talked DM Simon into letting me do last week). Again, let me be very clear, I was not aware that RDD's and legendary characters could not de-level then level up again, since there are issues, etc. This was my first re-level...EVER. I've played on this server for a LONG time now and that was the first time I'd asked a DM for that favor. Now, I know the DMs and Q don't like to grant relevels, but I know for a fact that several (including a few in this comment thread) have done relevels before. Maybe you all know all the bugs/issues... I did not. And Simon sure as hell didn't, yet he's taking shit simply because he's new to this DM thing and he's learning. Well, my bugged Drake Vega has been shelved in the Oasis Resort to make the police happy, and a new toon was created- named Ultramagnus.

Look, I've played here a long time. I've been in many a party with all of you at one time or another. I don't have a single PK point on ANY of my PCs. I've helped countless noobies around the Badlands (giving them advice, and a little GP, etc., to get them started), and I feel I've made a very positive impact on this server. So get off my back.

Qwildurn said...

I think we all over-reacted at first, my self included. It seems that the 1.69 upgrade and or the FF to NWNX conversion still has some bugs. Some Outposts are porting you and some are not. Until I can get this bug resolved, we all (DM's included) need to be a bit more understanding.

Who is giving Simon a ball-busting? Not me and not the other DM's (I hope not). I learned the hard way a few years ago. Most of the DM's made the same mistake when they were new. After the fact I explained what and why and how. Now it's been resolved. I prefer long term players to become DM's because they know the ropes and way-of-life around BadLands RPG.

I don't like to re-level players for several reasons, but sometimes I have to and sometimes I am trying to help a new player out. I try to make it clear at that time that it's the only time time they will get a re-level.

RDD, Legendary and UBER will always get damaged on re-level. The only way is to delete the old and start over. And that damn shark is busted because of the 1.69 upgrade. I had to find out the hard way and it probably took more than once for me to figure it out.


Deimonos said...

Ok kids, simmer down..
This topic was made not to point out the cheaters but to make everyone understand that claim logging is wrong.
That being said, let's just focus on having fun

Simon Hawk said...

Like Sands Through the Hourglass... So Are the Days of Our Lives.

Matt McMinn said...

If you ever quote from daytime tv again you're going to end up in a general hospital with one life to live.

Qwildurn said...

I hope it's at the edge of night because AM Radio sucks!