Thursday, May 21, 2009

Awesome People Revisited

So here I was, logged on Gamespy quickly just to see who was on and I see a "Raz" person online. I thought to myself.. "What a wonderful wooooorld..." errr... I mean, let's go get some xp for a bit, luckly I can run into the lovely heater5 and we can chat for a little bit..

Hmm, I accidentally hit the wrong buttoms and he died!!! Oh my..
He didn't like that much.. so he came back to teach me a thing or two.. but nah, that didn't end up well for him:

At this point, Razius tried to save some dignity and play it cool.. don't mind needy lycan asking for love lol:

ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz boooooriiing... he relogs with a higher toon.. and I thought "Wow, now that's gonna get interesting.." But he was nowhere to be found.. I use my magical powers to search for his worthless toon but found out he was taking a trip to the Limbo. .. well, well.. I think after getting owned by some random npc, he had enough for one afternoon:


Deimonos said...

Damn, and I wasn't feeling well today.. nothing like bashing morons like razius.. ohh yeah.. thanks for the good time, bub! :)

Deurack said...

I'm sad I missed that action, it always does my heart good to kill Raz, or see him killed...hell, I just like hearing about him dying.

Thanks for the good times :)

Unknown said...

I was wondering why everyone was so wound up, guess I logged just a little too late. Oh btw Deurack, I asked Q guess what? I was right about KK:) it's the same cd-key at least.

Simon Hawk said...

Raz bash, always a good time!