Friday, December 24, 2010

Seasons Greetings

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you all :)

I am sorry that I have not been online as much as i would like due mainly to commitments playing on another server.

I caught a glimpse of bad weather (flooding I believe) in Southern California, i hope Qwildurn is not affected by this.

We have had quite a lot of snow all over the UK, even in the South where I live, so it is very festive here :)

All the best .........Blade :)


Qwildurn said...

I have been trapped indoors for what seems like an eternity. No problems in my immediate area due to the rains. I actually logged in and played for a while the other day.

Monster Slayer: Clearly you have no idea what BadLands RPG is about. Log into our game world and make us a challenge there. Bring your little punk-ass gang with you too. We will be happy to meet your challenge, in our Realm.

Qwildurn said...

How is it that Monster Slayer has no profile? I thought that because of SPAM, nobody was allowed to post comments unless they are on the "approved" list.

Simon Hawk said...

I had changed it back so anyone could post, I had hoped the spam died down for awhile. Guess not. :(

Qwildurn said...

That's not exactly SPAM. The links do go to Facebook. I don't have, and never will, a Facebook account, so I can't view the pages.

What Monster Slayer has posted is ignorance on his part. If he knew what NWN was, and what BadLands RPG was, he wouldn't be inviting us to go away from what we have come to call "Our Realm".

It is possible that it is just cheap advertisement, not a legitimate invitation, which would put it in the SPAM class.

I also notice that he hasn't replied to defend his punk-ass self. Therefor he is a coward as well as a punk-ass.

Blade said...

Testing after adding new email and Google account to see if i can still post with Blade name on my old account....

All the Best......Blade :)

Qwildurn said...

Seems to have worked.