Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Polar Bears

Tuesday night Badlands Drenfest summary:

Logged on about 9pm eastern to find McMinn and Simon partied up and leveling on the Mountain Slide (insane druids and black bears). Hilarity ensued- comprised of McMinn and Simon's Sophomoric humor that incessantly bombarded everyone in the "chat" area. Particularly funny were their interpretations of what "R.P.G." stood for. Not sure if they noted the irony of the situation considering they are the ones that usually bitch about "high school" kids acting immature in the Badlands.
Since they were several levels below me, I proceeded to the North Face of Sheelo mountain where he was able to "knockdown" polar bears. Now, I usually don't complain about the liberties that RPG games take with the laws of physics and reality in general, but can someone explain to me how a normal sized human with a strength of "18" can knockdown an 11 ft tall, 1,500lb bear???

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