Monday, September 8, 2008

New Quests

I've been talking with our DM's about building new quests for BadLands and it was suggested to ask for some player input. I know that the Mandros Quest is a bear and most of the other quests are just as clueless. We want to start adding quests for different levels.

So, what kind of quests seem good to you? What rewards seem good?

I know somebody will ask for and instant level 40 reward and I can do that providing you earn the first 39 levels.

I've been thinking about something like: kill 20 Electric Beetles and collect their bellies, kill a Diamond Golem (or 10) and collect the Diamond chips, then you can get a item that can cast "Electric Blade" on your sword (not on your buddies). Electric Blade would be like Flame Blade except does "on-hit electric damage" and would not require any UMD skill or mage classes.

Overwhelm us with ideas please. Even a "bad" idea might be the spark of something neat.



Simon Hawk said...

I'd like to be able to take ALL the "Port" items there are to a special crafting guy that will give you 1 item with a menu that you can choose where to port too. Maybe you have to kill some sort of boss to get a crystal ball that the crafting guy combines with all the other port stones and such.

Maybe once you hit legendary levels there's a quest to actually LEAVE badlands, you said it was an Island, so there has to be some sort of way off. (This opens up the possiblitly of linking a new server to BadLands)

I like the idea of little "Go get the box" types of quests that you can do throughout your chracters life, for different level ranges, where you earn money, XP, or neat little magic items.

Blade said...

How about using some of those Doors like the unused one in Newport. You could add a Room / House interior. you could make the owners into the central chars in a plot. Maybe make them Werewolves ?
Or make them the guardians of an item or artefact that will only be handed over by correct dialogue choices ?
Maybe you need to pickpocket them ?
Or take an item from the desk when they are not looking ? Maybe they will give you a package to deliver to a far away place, with a reward when the package arrives safely and unopened ? The package could be a Magic Bag with something inside for an unlawful char to steal.

Actually as i think about the possibilities for "New Quests", i think that more could be done with them, and different outcomes, depending on the players alignment.

All the Best .....Blade :)

Deurack said...

I used to play a game (LONG ago) where you could get XP by hunting monsters or by delivering packages to NPC's. It was possible to get to the maximum level without ever killing anything if you got good at delivering the packages. Not sure how well that would play out here, but it's an idea.

Deurack said...
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Deurack said...

I also like the idea of the 'Quests' in Diablo II. They all were pretty much a "Find these items by killing things and get a reward" process. Not sure how difficult that would be to implement in Badlands. Maybe adding some code to Shorty or another NPC to respond when a player has some specific items in their inventory, and making those items appear randomly as loot on creatures in a certain area.

Another way to do it is like what Shorty already does, giving rewards when you've collected a certain number of "Boss Items". I played a game where all of the best equipment was obtained by doing quests where you had to go find items and bring them back to the quest giver. Some of those items were found, obtained by doing another mini-quest, or by killing a boss and taking it from their inventory.

Again, I'm not sure if that is possible or how difficult it would be to set up, but if it could be done then you could have multiple "quests" of this sort for practically any area you wanted, with different difficulty levels and rewards based upon the creatures to be killed, the rarity of the items to be found, ect.