Friday, February 27, 2009

Y is Ellow Yellow?

Dano sent me an email, not that he asked me to post it, but I thought it would make for an interesting discussion.


email 1: from dano to Q
The new dm utopia is a real pain , and not at all cool. Sorry to say . If you care let me know . Otherwise Shadow Blades will disbann and move on from server , TY Shadow

email 2: my responce
Interesting. DM Utopia said the same thing about you.
Try to find a way to work it out with Utopia.


email 3: from dano

It all worked out and we made like friends after the initial clash , thanks for the reply . PS Please update the server if you can someday. Racecars ....really???? Don't get hurt . Guess we will see you back on the server if you total the thing though. Hmmmmm....JK. Have fun . And you may have inspired me to do the same , there is a small raceway near here . Hmmmmmm . But on a serious note.....

The Dark clan has started playing on the server . Last night their leader brought in 12 members to play . I intend to loan him the Shadow Blades guild in a way . After they build some character base , I'll invite their leader . Just yesterday Ellow used a forcefull hand onShady . Unable to hit Shady or beat his 70 sr again the coward Ellow (do I really need to make the joke where I put a Y in front on his name?)ok where was I.... Oh yes .....So ever the coward , Ellow left Shady lay in the grass and left the sceen .

Some days later Shady , enraged from the insect bites he suffered that night while pinned under the forcefull hand . Did the unthinkable ....he enlisted the help of the most dreaded Dark clan to crush this smEllow once and for all!!! Soon over run by the sheer numbers of Dark Clan thugs in his outposts , Shady decided the best thing to do , to keep his head on his shoulders (litterally) . Was to enter into exile in a far off land ......and let the evil burn itself out in rpg.....

OK so that is the idea , wish i was a better nolevist.....Soon this will take place , I will remain the warlord as Shady , but Dark clan will be representing the Shadow blades basically. I will not log as a Shadow blade unless to do some random item transfer or something non guild related.......

While this will happen soon , I have allready created a few Good aligned chars . These good guys have joined the Holy Blades and We will oppoes the Evil plague known as the Dark clan .

I wont exploit . I was getting bored with the low numbers on the server and view this as an oppertunity for some fun .

Please send any ideas you have for this exciting new turn in RPG history. And please post this news on the blog , Every time I try something goes wrong and I can never post , but i view it weekly.

Thanks Q , dano1122


Deimonos said...

Dude, wtf? Somebody please tell dano to stop mixing red bull with whiskey and doing crystal meth..

I read it all but failed to see one thing: what did he want??

Anyways, at least he was right about one thing.. the first paragraph on e-mail 3. "Racecars ....really???? Don't get hurt" lol

And about running away from a fight.. really.. I think we all had at least a couple of scenes where a scared "ShadowBlade" fled the battlefield after a few hits..
It's hilarious to see him gloating and calling other ppl cowards.. oh my, oh my..

Qwildurn said...

Yyuumm, whiskey and crank. . . ooo I'm all ichy and sweaty, ready to take on that Red Bull by the horns.

Damn thing faked me out and turned into a Pink Elephant. Damn I need a new dealer again!

Simon Hawk said...

None of the "Ellows" ever fought any of these so called "Dark Clan" people. Not sure what he's talking about.

However, Osiris Ellow did drop Shady Shadowblades ass with a bigbys and left him to rot in the Maze of the lost.

Osiris is a busy guy, sometimes he just doesn't have the time to fully kill everyone he meets.

Qwildurn said...

Simon Hawk said...
None of the "Ellows" ever fought any of these so called "Dark Clan" people. Not sure what he's talking about.

I'm not at home right now and I can't check my records.

I think his logon is "dark-clan-7". He has come and gone over the years, never sticking around long. About a week ago he sent me an email asking for a guild and a "hideout", promising to bring a following of his clan from another server. They all use "Dark" as part of their name to show their loyalties to the clan and to the DarkSide.

I responded with the usual, "We earn our life here at BadLands RPG... blah blah blah." And went on to explain how our world and guild has change from their fading memories.

I also pointed out that we just don't have the numbers of players to support more Guilds and he needs to join an existing Guild then try to beat the leader down and take over the Throne.

I haven't been playing (real life stuff), but it seems that the Darks have worked a deal with the Devil to take over Dano's Guild. Need I remind everybody that Dark needs to earn 50 levels first and be the correct alignment?

Qwildurn, server host