Sunday, June 28, 2009

New UBER Classes

Hey Guys,

I've been working on the mod, trying to get the next update ready. I'm working off the list of things I need or want to do.

One of the things I'm working on is the UBER Barbarian. I have changed the placeholders that the UBER Items use. It did (currently) use +5 AC, +5 AC, Light, and Weight Reduction to hold the place of the +4 Str and +4 Con. I've replaced that with skills, +20 Craft Armor and +20 Craft Weapon. It is going to work out much better. You will be able to use boots now and your AC won't compromised. This change allows for +6 AC to be added in Castle Sheelo and the Helms of Skill that Gooble sells can be converted to UBER Items.

And yes, you will be able to convert your old UBER Items in for the new UBER Items.

I have also added Dwarven Defender to the UBER list as UBER Defender. The UBER Defender get the same STR and CON treatment as the UBER Barbarian does except it's ten Defender levels required.

Also, I have added Paladin on as UBER Paladin. The UBER Paladin will use STRENGTH and CHARISMA, using the same rules as the other UBER Classes. Ten Paladin levels required.

Now I'm looking for your advice and suggestions. What other classes "suffer" because they hit the +12 cap. The Barbarian, Defender and Paladin rely heavily on their rightful ability to boost certain attributes. This UBER Class System has proven very well at making the Barbarian a fun and useful class at BadLands RPG.

I won't consider any spellcaster class in this, they are already overly powerful by comparison. The UBER Barbarian/Cleric mix is working well. The UBER Paladin mix and UBER Defender mix will be able to prove them self's soon.

So, a wee bit of feedback will go a long way here.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Invisible Helm System

I have been working on the next updated module recently. One of the things I have been working on is a replacement for the current helms. What I have done is made a special tool that gives the player a "skin" in the Monster Armor Slot and then copies your helm properties onto that "skin".

Here you see my toon Qwildurn with and without her helm.

My new "skin" that is empty because I am in normal helm form.

My new "skin" with the helm properties on it because my helm is invisible.

My helm properties. Notice that pictures 2 and 3 are almost the same.

    What you need to do is this:
  1. Buy a Invisible Helm Tool from the Dye Guy in Dozo.
  2. Wear your favorite helm.
  3. Use the new tool.
    Now your done. So simple a caveman can do it.
  4. To return to normal helm condition just use the tool again.
    Notes and conditions:
  1. You also need to know that you cannot sell or drop your helm until returning to normal helm state.
  2. You cannot equip any helm until returning to normal helm state.
  3. This will work with ANY helm you can wear.
  4. Some properties will loose their use or function, such as cast spell.
  5. A special script now runs at log-on to put your Helm back to the last state it was at log-off.
  6. If the Invisible Helm should ever become "confused", just use the tool a few times and it will sort itself out.

  7. The new "skin" uses a Creature Armor Slot that is reserved for monsters. You and the DM can never see this slot.
  8. The Dye Guy has the ability to show you your new "skin".
  9. The DM now has a new tool that allows him to look at your "skin" and to destroy it if need be.
  10. The DM cannot destroy a monster's skin in order to weaken the monster.
    Now for the fun part, the part that can help you look as cool or ugly as you want.
  • You should get our over-ride package. It has about 1000 new head and portraits.
  • You can goto Qwildurn's DND Server and click the links.

  • OR you can click the links here (below) and get them from the same source.

  • cloakmodel.rar
  • soundset.rar
  • RPG_Heads.rar
  • Cloakmodel, soundset and RPG_Heads all go in your NWN/override folder.
  • Portraits goes in your NWN/portraits folder.
  • portraits.rar
  • If you don't have a folder by that name, just create it.
  • You will need to expand the compressed files and restart NWN.
  • If you don't have a RAR utility, I got mine from:
  • RAR Labs

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Server is Down, Again

The server has failed again. This time it's beyond reasonable repair. It seems to me that a multi-IO board has failed. This board controls the Input-Output (IO) to the monitor, keyboard and mouse. I don't know if it's part of the main-board or a separate unit, but, every part of this computer is unique to this one model and I can't bypass it or substitute it.

The computer is about ten years old and has been the primary host of BadLands RPG for the last five. I have tried other computers in that time, for one reason or another, and keep coming back to this unit.

I did make a copy of the game module, player characters and database a few weeks ago. So we won't be loosing too much this time. I only have one working computer now. It's nothing special, but it should do the job.

Hopefully I can have it set-up and online in a few hours.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Server is Down

The server failed last night. With some choice swear words I coaxed it back into life and logged back in to hoping to resume where I had left off. My new favorite toon, Black Belly, was damaged and the server shut off before I could let out an Orcish grunt.

To surmise the situation here:
  1. My laptop is dead and the shop wants $1100 to fix it. Not going to happen! I will try to extract any files I can, but.... I don't expect much.

  2. My newer server (Dell) is waiting for me to re-install the OS and related software. That will take a few weeks when I can find the time.

  3. My older server (SGI) is probably gone forever. I will try to extract any files I can, but.... I don't expect much.

  4. My nice gamer is non-repairable and I have purchased a new mainboard.

  5. My old gamer is fixed and working well as of last week. I can set it up to act as a server-host, but as of this moment, I don't even have a copy of BadLands RPG to host.

  6. I might have a copy of BadLands RPG on my girlfriends computer. Deimonos might still have a copy. But basically we're hosed. I will do what I can.

Qwildurn Bluemoon,
server host of BadLands RPG

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The tale of Pyro and Rakshasha

Pyro asked me while in-game to post this for him, and I said I would. Pyro mentioned something about an English Composition assignment, so, I tried to format it with HTML code to match what was actually sent to me. I made sure not to alter the spelling and grammar. (not that mine would be any better LOL) I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.


PS: Please tell us what score you were given.

Hi Q it's Pyro,

I've had a very funny adventure this evening and I was wondering if you could put that on the blog for me since I can't post on it at will. I'll make an rpg story of it just for you guys:P

------------ The tale of Pyro and Rakshasha ------------

Today is a sad day my friends, today I grieve for the loss of one of the most reliable, and loyal friends I've ever had on RPG Badlands.
This is a tale of friendship through good times and bad, of two great friends that decided it would be fun if they went on an adventure together.

One day Pyro was travelling through Lurid Cave and Highwood Forest, and relying on his persuasive skills for the giants and spiders to let him pass he came across a high tower.
Now this tower is a familiar tower to all of us, but few where brave enough to enter for there is a mighty beast lurking inside the tower.
Pyro however was not so easily frightened, and decided to see the great beast that frightened even the greatest of warriors.
Inside Pyro saw one of the most rare beasts he had ever layed eyes upon, and even he was surprised as he had never been.

It was a great tiger, dressed in a royal's tunic and carrying 2 large Katana's. Pyro, at first cautious of such a great foe, cast invisibility on himself so that he could investigate without the beast interfering. The rest of the tower appeared to empty and Pyro thought to himself what a great companion the tiger must be for adventures, he was feared throughout the realm due to his prowes in battle after all.
So Pyro decided to convince the tiger to his cause, and - after a while he succeeded in befriending the great tiger.
And that, is how the adventure of Pyro and Rakshasha began. They supported each other in many battles, one saving the life of the other and the other way around, and many foes had to give in to the great team that they were.

First they travelled to the high and icy mountains slaying several of the greatest enemies on their way.

They also decided to travel the desert and discover it's many possibilities and defeat it's enemies. And in there was where our friend Rakshasha came in dire peril.
On their travels the duo stumbled upon the vicious Medusa, a foe known and feared through the Realm. Immediately they attacked, and while they had the upper hand in battle, Medusa had more tricks up her sleeve and wasn't going to give in so easily. The wench succeeded in her most feared skill of all, she petrified Rakshasha.
Luckily Rakshasha had not come alone, for Pyro, being the great wizard that he is, managed to slay Medusa before she annihilated his friend. Pyro then used his great wizardry to save his friend from this unfortunate state, and the duo decided that their business in the desert was over and they would travel towards the icy mountains once more.

Once they had arived in the mountains they once again met an almost greater foe than the Medusa they had faced in the desert. Before them, in the Long Cave of Echos stood Stridast.
Rakshashe did not hestitate and rushed into battle, but this was a foe he could never defeat alone. Stridast's skill in battle was too much for our friend and while he was known for his great power and skill, he was no match for the prowes of Stridast. She managed to avoid his every hit and had our heroes baffled.
Pyro was not to give up so easily though, for they had faced many foes and this would certainly not be their last. And although the many travels had left him mentally exhausted and hardly able to use his spells, he used his magic to distract Stridast and they made their way out.

The story has so far seen our heroes fight the greatest of foes, but they were never satisfied and always looking for new lands to explore, and stronger enemies to defeat.
This would also be their end though, for the life of a warrior ends on the battlefield. And Rakshasha knew this especially well.
The two friends travelled higher and higher, up to the top of the mountain. And there they found the greatest foe they had ever faced, on top of the mountain was a sandy desert-like place with a small pond.
Our friends searched around the place but there didn't seem to be any creatures, friend or foe. However, when Rakshasha decided to rest at the pond they where both surprised at the horrible creature that came at them. A shark, over twice their size came at them from under the waters and jumped out of the pond only to continue his rushing towards them with undoubtedly no good intentions.

Rakshasha immediatly gathered his trusty Katanas but he appeared to be no match, and while Pyro was doing all he could to defeat the great beast, they both realised that their prowess were not comparable to this enemy. Rakshasha, being at the end of his energy felt his life fading from him and shouted at Pyro to run. Pyro refused at first but as he saw his magics drying up, he saw the beast slay his friend and stood petrified as his friend begged him to run. Pyro had no choice and obeyed his friends last words, and as he used his magic to port from the place he saw his friend breath out his last breath.

And that dear listeners was how the story of Pyro and Rakshasha ends, and may all remember the adventures of our hero and honour him and his great deeds.
Pyro survived the great battle, and although deeply saddened by the loss of his great friend he swore vengeance upon the monster that slew his friend.

And he would be back for his revenge...


well that's it really it's a long story I know but I think it'll be some laughs, I've mailed the pics along with it and gave them the number according to where they should go. Thx a lot:P

Goodnight, Pyro

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I've heard the "Paper-Rock-Scissors" (aka Ro-Sham-Bo) analogy used frequently when describing PvP action in the BL.
On the surface, this looks like an accurate analogy: paper covers rock, scissors cut paper, rock breaks scissors. Similar to monk bashes mage, melee bashes monk, mage nukes melee. Essentially, a balance in that no one build will dominate EVERYTHING else.
Unfortunately, PvP on the BL is like Roshambo, only you show your "hand" where everyone can see it. I.e., if you're playing a mage, it's like shouting out "I'm going to play 'scissors' now... hope no one plays a 'rock'!!!"
This is why I HATE the player list at log in. Everyone can see what you're playing and if you're level 1-40. In the spirit of D&D? Hardly. Being able to see a toon's classes and split tells you a LOT of information. Pretty much everything you need to know in order to hunt that character down and kill them. Sorta takes the fun out of PvP, don't you think? This also encourages "Musical characters"- a game that guys like Dano et al. play continuously as they try and figure out what they can beat you with. Also, it allows douchewank players a chance to see your level, allowing them to bring in a toon and spam invites at you, claiming you HAVE to party up since you're similar in lvl.
Am I way off base here? Or does anyone agree with me?

It may not be possible, but I implore the powers that be (er, Q) to look into fixing this. It'd be nice to see what "players" are on (so you can log in and party up with your friends), but not be able to see what characters/classes/levels they have.
Just a thought. Don't expect anything to get done (and again, it might be impossible to code/script), but it's worth looking into.