Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bank Holiday Boss Bash

Daniel Asbury asked me to post this for him.

hi Q was trying to post this comment but ould not let me

Bank Holiday Boss Bash
any body with a toon lvl 40-45 meet in Dozo at 2130 UK time to get that boss drop you always wanted with enough of us we can hit every boss there :)

it was an idea i had the other day was partyin with some one and we were trying to get the boss drops that we made are toons for (weapon master Katana KISS) but had no chance and thought it would be cool if we had as many people as we can and go out and take on every boss in Badlands kinda PC v NPC slug fest.

Thanks Dan
I don't know what day the "Bank Holiday" is. Must be an English thing.

As you may know, we have had a bad time with spammers posting CRAP and had to make a few changes. This change in security is sad because now you cannot post any comments unless your on our list of "safe people". We will be happy to add any of our players to the list of "safe" people, but you need to ask.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Latest Updates.

Badlanders, don't forget to keep checking the latest updates to the server.  Here is a current list of additions for 2010.  Thanks Q!


+ ver 95

* Deimonos and Qwildurn
- Added new Outposts
- Added new Boss, Boss Drop and Boss Area
- Added 2 new areas
- Added 2 new sub-races
- Fixed "The Works" on the Healers buff list
- Addressed the "double death" glitch
- Addressed an issue where Monk Gauntlets would not fit
- Converted the UBER Barbarian System to use "skills" instead of "extra AC" *** You should go to UD and change out your old gear
- Added Uber Defender and Uber Paladin to the UBER Classes list.
- Added an Invisible Helm System
- Addressed an issue that prevented potions from working normally
- Fixed several Database read/write issues
- Sub-Race Slaves can now show you what your sub-race might look like
- Added the skills and feats that are new to 1.69 to the HGLL Engine
- HGLL can now carry-over the unused skill points from level 40
-* This will happen for older toons at next HGLL level-up
- Addressed an XP issue with the Favored Class System that caused the XP to be to low or to high
- Addressed an issue that did not properly remove the mounted horse on player death
- Included an experimental "Player-Monster" race for Beta Members and DM's only. If you're on that list and want more info, please email me.
January 14, 2010 7:29 PM
Qwildurn said...

11 February 2010
+ ver 96
- Altered the Druid / Shifter Polymorph system.
> Item Properties are now additive.
> The Dye Guy can examine your polymorph item for you.
> At time of polymorph, a message is sent to you telling you which item sets were used for that form.
> Item sets are: Weapon, Armor, Items.
> Weapon Set: is melee or ranged and will only be used if the new/old are same type (melee or ranged).
> Armor Set: is Armor, Shield and Helm.
> Items Set: is every thing else.
>>> Note: Monk Gloves, Bracers and Ammo are excluded in ALL cases.
> AC will be taken from: Armor, Helm, Shield, Amulet, Boots. ONLY. There is an upper limit of +20 here that I can't change.
> Ability Bonus is capped at +12 per ability. Uber Druids may or may not use their Uber Abilities.
February 11, 2010 4:42 PM
Qwildurn said...

16 February 2010
+ ver 97

*** These changes are ALL retro-active

--- Monsters ---
- All Dragons now have 20 more strength
- Humanoid Class is now a melee BAB class

--- Players ---
- The Base Attack Bonus (BAB) has been raised.
- Pure Fighters get 40 BAB at level 40
- Pure Rogues get 30 BAB
- Pure Mages get 20 BAB
(it was 30, 25, 20)
- Mixed classes will be adjusted accordingly
- Classes of the same BAB value are added
together to avoid some of the BAB loss from
not staying with the "4 class group" that
Bioware setup.
- You will probably see an "Attack Decrease" ICON
Do not worry. You have the correct AB
- I have to give you extra BAB, then take some away
- You can still buff up as normal
- All builds except Mages will see more AB

*** These changes are ALL retro-active
February 17, 2010 2:29 AM
Qwildurn said...

09 Aug 2010
+ ver 99
- Added an ammo replicator to the upgrade shops.
- Most weapon buff spells will seek out the next weapon being held. You no longer need to switch weapons or open your inventory to buff.
- Moved the door at the Stone Conjoint to match the outside of the building.
- Closed the Arena until I can get it fixed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hey guys, long time no post. Just wanted to let you all know that a few contributors of this blog and myself have made an app for cell phones using the Android operating system. You can check out out our new website .

There should be a paid version and a free demo available on the android market for those of you interested.

Good luck and happy hunting.
Simon Hawk