Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hey guys, long time no post. Just wanted to let you all know that a few contributors of this blog and myself have made an app for cell phones using the Android operating system. You can check out out our new website http://www.exomorph.com/ .

There should be a paid version and a free demo available on the android market for those of you interested.

Good luck and happy hunting.
Simon Hawk


Blade said...

Hey Simon, you've made a giant "Zit" with arms and legs LMAO

I don't use cellphones or apps, but if i did i would be sure to get this just so i could "Squeeze" them :)

All the Best .......Blade :)

Qwildurn said...

Congrats on the job finished.

But, what the hell is it? The only thing I do with my cell phone is talk to people, not very many and not very often.

Simon Hawk said...

Q, it's a turn based strategy game that you can play on the touch screen smart phones that use the android operating system.

The picture on the blog post is of one of the playable units that you can select.

Deurack said...

I've played the game, if you've got a "smart phone" you should try to get it, it's very decent.

Qwildurn said...

My phone is smarter than me, but I think you mean something else. My phone has a screen the size of a postage stamp. Without my glasses, I can't see the name of the caller. Is there a PC version? I would rather play it on my 37 inch TV.

Simon Hawk said...

Currently there is no PC version available. Might look into for the future.