Sunday, September 12, 2010

Chapter Three: A Dark Pact

The StarBlood Saga

By Daniel Asbury
Edited by Qwildurn Bluemoon

Chapter Three
A Dark Pact

Rebeca knelt by a stream to fill her water skin, the sounds of a waterfall were hypnotic to her tired ears. It had taken a day and a half to sneak through the cave system to get to this mountain valley. A group of Fire Giants and their Ettin slaves had just finished battling some brave adventures. She could not tell how many as they had been butchered and partly cooked by the giants. “Not a good way to go”, she thought.

The skin was almost full when a large shadow blocked out the sun at her back. She rolled to the right as the head of a giant flail smashed the rocks she was previously perched on. Drawing her Greatsword, a Starfire Blade, she turned to look up at least two feet into her attacker’s face. The raging Ogre charged, spittle flying from its hideous face. It swung trying to take her head from her shoulders, but aimed too high as Rebeca dove. Rebeca’s swing sliced a large gash into the Ogres thigh muscle and dropped it to one knee. Swinging its flail at her legs, she jumped deftly landing lightly. She called the magic from her Starfire Blade, bursting into flame she plunged it deep in to the Ogres chest. She twisted the blade while yanking it free and cleaned it on the Ogres kilt. She heard chanting and turned to see a blue skinned Ogre Shaman finish a spell. Four sickly green arrows flowed from its hand blasting her off her feet and into the ice cold water below.

Rebeca awoke chained to a wall in some dark cave. There were torches in sconces along the opposite wall. The smell of must, mold and mildew burned as she breathed. She shivered and coughed. She was stripped down to her under garments with no sign of her gear. She pulled at the chains and realized there was no chance of escape.

Movement to the left caught her attention. Three figures moving towards her. She breathed a sigh of relief realizing they were too small to be Ogres at least. The center figure walked a powerful stride while the other two shambled along.

As they came into the dim light, she could see the center figure was the goal of her quest. The Lich Lord Alcatraz, more evil looking than she had ever imagined, flanked by two undead warriors stood in front of her. The aura of evil rolled off him causing her to shudder and gag on her own vomit.

“What have he here, I wonder?” His voice was like gravel being dropped down a metal tube. “I smell noble flesh, and from the armor and tabard my thralls found on you, I assume you are Lady Rebeca StarBlood."

“I am! I have been searching for you! I am in need your wisdom, Lord.”

“And what makes you think I would help someone like you?”

“My father was killed by an assassin. An amulet with a guild symbol was found. It is in my pack on a gold chain.”

The Lich waved his hand and the thralls moved to retrieve the amulet. “And this has what to do with me?” crocked the Lich.

“I need you magic skills to find him”, Rebeca pleaded.

“And what do I get out of this bargaining?”

“I will swear allegiance to you and serve you as long as you require. I just want my vengeance!” Her voice went cold.

The Lich grinned. “There is one service I would require of you Lady StarBlood. After, it is completed. Then, we will find this assassin.”

Rebeca bowed her head in submission. “I thank you my Lord.”

The Lich pulled a crystal from his tattered robes and placed it to Rebeca’s forehead and chanted rhythmically. Rebeca screamed as her soul was torn from her body. She felt herself drifting into unconsciousness. The last thing she heard was her Lords voice in her mind. “There is much training ahead of you, rest now.”

The blackness swallowed her whole.

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