Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Neverwinter Nights 3

Time to 'suit up' everyone, grab your sword and shield then get get ready to hack some monsters to pieces, thats right Neverwinter 3 is happening!


Simon Hawk said...

I hope the game is going to be as cool as it looks based on the screen shots.

Qwildurn said...

I've been following it, loosely. I hope it's everything we expect. NWN2 was a big let-down.

Simon Hawk said...

Yeah, NWN2 had some major bugs and flaws, I still liked playing through it even though I had to pull my hair out a few spots.

I guess nwn3 is based off of 4e rules. I still need to check out the rules for something to do.

Blade said...

Hiya Blade here,
I am pretty sure i wont be playing NWN3 if it is the game i think it is whereby you have to subscribe to play it month by month like an everquest type game.
I still tinker about on a PW Action NWN1 game world called Dalakora. Recently i have beein playing ElderScrolls V Skyrim which i adore. I had nearly all their products up to Morrowind 3, and now that i am getting towards the end of Skyrim 5, I am ordering Oblivion 4 in the version with the 2 expansions and a Prima Game guide that covers it all too. The game guides suit my mood for making sure that i get the most out of the games rather than missing out great chunks of them. Happily i will be able to install Oblivion 4 on my older Pentium 4 Extreme PC, where i still have plenty of HD space, and it should run fine on there. My latest games all go on my newer Win 7 PC.

It was great meeting up with you again on Kato's server with Darian and others Simon.
Great to see Qwildurn is still active :)
Now i must make the effort to make an appearance on Badlands RPG once again :)

All the Best .....Blade :)

Qwildurn said...

If it ends up being a subscription type game, count me out.

I'm not doing a whole lot with BadLands RPG or NWN. I still host BadLands and play or edit in spurts.

For the last couple of years I've been fixing up my old truck as well as the race car me and my brother own. We took it out to Laguna Seca Raceway near Monterey, CA a few weeks ago. Definitely more fun than a video game.

I'm still taking care of my Aunt, she's 99 now. Someday she will pass and then I will have to get a real job.

Simon Hawk said...

The good part about NWN3 is it will be free to play based on the FAQ's section of the website.

Anthony said...

In what way was Neverwinter Nights 2 a big let down? The ONLY issue I had with it at all was the fact that they took away the Dragon Disciple's wings.. aside from that.. the game was phenominal.

Qwildurn said...

NWN 2 was a fun stand-alone game. But they did some things to the online game side of it that made it hard to work with. Whether you were a player, builder, or server, they made it difficult for all to use. Clearly they had seen what we (builders and players) were doing with NWN 1 and they could have made things easier for use, they could have made things work smoother, but they did not. They said they did, but in reality, it was worse.

I worked with NWN2 long enough to get past the worst of the learning curve and had a small module up for a while. If you want specifics, it's been so long that I don't recall them. Some of the scripting commands that were online specific were disabled making certain things that I wanted to do impossible. Every time changes were made to the graphical part of the areas, some hak-pak type information needed to be downloaded by the player before they could login. Without this hak-pak type file, no player could log in and Atari did not provide any way for the player to get this file.

The online modules and players never had the massive numbers that the original NWN did. The original NWN is what, 10 or 12 years old? and still, it's more popular than NWN2.