Monday, March 31, 2008

Arcane Brotherhood

Well yesterday was a very productive day (if you consider sitting on your ass and playing video games all day productive, but thats a different story :P)

Deimonos assisted Hellie Layne (my wiz/pm) down in the Trog mines with his dev-crit meister Klumk, thus earning her enough XP to hit level 50. It was alot of work on Deimonos's part and for that I am grateful.

Now that Hellie is level 50 Deimonos offered guild leadership status to me and with that I created a new guild called the Arcane Brotherhood, which will be home for anyone with the ability to cast arcane spells. This guild will be dedicated to the study and mastery of the arcane arts through any means necessary. Knowledge is power, and death by sword is not an option.


Matt McMinn said...

Ok, so I'm obviously showing my n00b status here, but what do you get out of guilds? Anything?

Simon Hawk said...

I'm hoping some of the BadLands veterans can share in a little more detail what its all about. I know for a fact that you get access to cool areas that have linsta-rest items and you can port around BadLands faster using the guild areas. I dont think you get any PK points either if you kill other factions members.

Garble said...

sweet, Blasty wants to join. Bers Dias Magus is lvl 16 and should be mid 20's after my next drening.

Simon Hawk said...

And so it begins.

Yes! Blasty can definatly join.

Hopefully we can recruit Gnimble as well.

Matt McMinn said...

I suppose to help offset the douchebaggery, Lackwit will give you all the pleasure of joining.

Deurack said...

Simon was right about the benefits of joining a Guild. There are 2 game mechanics benefits and 1 more existential benefit to being in a guild.

There are various areas on the server called Outposts and Fortresses. Guilds can 'capture' these areas and then members of the guild can 'port' to them using the amulet. This can certainly help you get around the server easier.

The other benefit is that each of these areas has some sort of beneficial item in them. The Highwood Silent Forest and Underdark Battlefields outposts have an "Instant Rest" item which does exactly what it sounds like. The other outposts have items that when you touch them will give you a 'buff' for a random amount of time. Some of these are not super helpful, such as True Sight, others are awesome, like being immune to Knockdown (especially when fighting Ryuji).

The 3rd and more existential advantage has 2 parts to it. First you are in a group of people who will more than likely band together to protect and avenge each other, and that's just cool. Secondly, if you kill a person in another guild, you get no PK points. This can be REALLY nice, especially if we get any Guild Wars going like the old days. Nothing worse than having a level 60 build and not wanting to kill someone just cause you dont want the PK points. But if they're in a's all good :-)

Deimonos said...

Yes, Deurack said it all.
So join a guild and claim leadership of all Badlands!

Simon Hawk said...

Yeah, and if you're going to join a guild you might as well make it the Arcane Brotherhood. I heard they don't screw around. And sometimes No isn't an option.