Sunday, May 18, 2008

Paine in the Ass

Well, there's a new face in town. There's a guy running around Badlands lately named "Paine" (login Loki5891) who has sparked alot of discussion and controversy. He's a level 40 Monk/Cleric/Shadow Dancer who seems to enjoy PK'ing, especially if he can jump people when they're either unbuffed or fighting monsters. While what he's doing is technically legal, it seems to be making some people really mad, and quite a few have sworn to try to kill him enough to drive him off the server. He mentioned that he had been to this Blog (and called us all 'fags') so I'm assuming he'll probably read this. So, welcome to the Badlands Paine. It looks like it's going to be an interesting couple of months!


Simon Hawk said...

What I want to know is how he got a level 40 so quick. I've never seen him before.

Deimonos said...

Unless you spend 24 hours online you can't really be sure about anyone's adventures on the server, my friend.
Well, I'll tell you this. Unless he goes all "raz" on people, I think we don't have that much to worry.. for now..

Deurack said...

He hasnt been playing alot lately, but I remember seeing him about 4 months ago in Trogs, so he's been around for a while.

Deurack said...

Oh, and it seems as if he's a typical PK'er, and by typical, I mean one that loves you attack you when he has an advantage because you're fighting something else, but runs away like a frightened schoolgirl when you attack him in a fair fight.

Happened last night. He was in Trogs Xp'ing with one of Darian's builds so I logged on Sidian and ran down there. When I arrived he was not fighting anything, was buffed and was uninjured. I ran in and attacked him and he took off like a rocket! You should have seen it, there are few things as amusing as two monks chasing each other through an area at high speed. Eventually he got to Dozo and then tried to salvage some dignity by saying something about "We fight on my terms" which basically means "I dont like fair fights, I only fight when I have an overwhelming advantage."

Anyway, like Deimonos said, until he goes all Raz on us there's no problem. PK'ers are good for the server, it gives people incentive to get better. I just wish he would stay still and take his medicine :P

Simon Hawk said...

I bet he's the same type of pussy that will death-log if you do start winning a fight against him.

Just keeping hunting him down relentlessly until he gets the picture.

Deimonos said...

Hmm, I suppose that's a typical pk attitude. Like our little friend raz death loggin on simon when he was spam casting igms on his ass on the other day.. it was hilarious!! :D
Hey Deurack, u took a screenshot of your high speed pursuit??
I forgot to take one of Simon and jilkerk, was too busy laughing.. hehe