Thursday, May 8, 2008

Trouble in the Arena

There has been quite a few people who have gotten stuck in the Arena lately. It happened to one of my builds when another person shouted they were stuck and I entered the arena to try to duel them to get them out. The problem is, the game isnt registering them as being in the arena as a Contender, but as a spectator. (If you look in the picture you can see the icon in the top right corner for my spells being disabled, and that only happens when you're a spectator.) So me going in there didnt do anything other than get me stuck as well. I have logged out and back in multiple times and have heard from others they have done the same.

Just giving the DM's a heads up, you'll probably be hearing about this for a while, I know I've been looking for one of you for the past 2 days to get my lowbie out of there.


Garble said...

that happened to me once. Was the last time went in there. The other problem is with buffs. If you play a character that uses them (like you should) and you loose the first round. You come right back buffered. Not TOO bad if you're a sorcerer with greater sanc. You can hide and re-buff. But if you're a wizard or cleric you're pretty much screwed.

Simon Hawk said...

Yes, I've noticed people getting stuck in the arena as well. That thing is a freakin' mess.

I saw Razius on yesterday dueling against a Ledak build "Gendax the Archer" I believe, funny thing is, Raz lost a few times. It was hilarious! He was trying to act like a badass, but he is a dick.

Simon Hawk said...

LOL, well, Ledak is definatly in a league of his own. :)))

Simon Hawk said...

"Q" was having trouble posting a comment so here is what he has to say below.

Arena Problems, by Qwildurn

I've NEVER seen a case where the server registered the contender / spectator incorrectly. It’s not that it can’t happen; I’ve just never seen it. What I have seen a lot of is this: A (new) player goes into the arena to fight without an opponent. Without an opponent to fight you are STUCK! PERIOD! Then they log out either thinking that re-logging will fix it or they just get mad and leave. The re-logging is what turns them into a spectator on the wrong side of the fence.

I have looked into fixing that issue, but, I did not build the arena, Leaf did. The scripting is overwhelming. I'm actually afraid to touch it. I was a regular player when Leaf was building the arena and I saw the troubles he had building and adjusting it.

If you go into the arena to battle, make sure you have another player willing to fight you. If something does happen, like: one of you crashes, you will BOTH be stuck. Stuck until a DM can port you out. A DM (or myself) can only get you out if while the stuck character and the DM are both logged on. To find a DM you can use the DM or the shout channel (/dm or /s) like this: /dm is there a DM on? or /s is there a DM on? /dm sends a message out to all DM’s ONLY, /s sends out a server wide shout.

Qwildurn, Host of BadLands RPG