Friday, April 4, 2008

The Arcane Brotherhood Rides Again.

So last night I buckled down and used Hellie Layne to tear BadLands a new one. I managed to kill multiple bosses without dieing, and claimed two territories in the name of the Brotherhood. Hellie also purchased the helm of the north in order to gain more level 9 spell slots which are being used for MIGS.

I read the descriptions of the other guilds and will write one up for the Arcane Brotherhood sometime this weekend. Also we are finalizing a list of qualifiers in order to be considered for membership. More on that later.

1 comment:

Jim Brannick said...

Everyone better watch out! Simon is learning how to play a caster! :-)

Gnimble, recent addition to the 'Brotherhood', claimed a couple territories earlier today.
Man, I didn't know the Royal Assassin could be so easily immobilized with a Forceful Hand! What a little bitch, LOL.