Sunday, August 10, 2008

Letoscript ( To mend broken char delete & add feats)

Hiya Blade here,

I did a Google search on Letoscript by "DragonSong" and got some stuff.

A cool guy called "FunkySwerve" has done a very nice post on Biowares NWN1 site under scripting.

He explains what the coding is doing in various examples. Especially relating to Char Deletion ; and why the server logs you out to do it etc.

"FunkySwerve " is the Author of the Higher Grounds Legendary Level System.

He also refers to the Sourceforge site,

I believe he also refers to the most current version of Letoscript as version 24

All the Best ...........Blade

PS sorry I have yet to learn scripting :)


Qwildurn said...

With a little push from Blade, I was able to find the Letoscript command to delete a character. On my test server I can now delete a char, clear out the data base, and start a new char with the old name.
** AND ** It no longer has a 50 file limit that crashes the server.

So the next module update will include a fixed Shark. :)


Blade said...

This will make a lot of people Happy :)

Great news. Does this mean that after the next Module Update there will be no limit to the number of Characters that we can create for the game? whereas before that number was set at 50 maximum?

All the Best ......Blade

PS Far be it for me to push the "Mighty Q", even with a little push lol :)

Qwildurn said...

Blade said...
Does this mean that after the next Module Update there will be no limit to the number of Characters that we can create for the game? whereas before that number was set at 50 maximum?

Officially, Bioware and BadLands does not have a character limit.

The old 3rd party program that was doing the char-delete would crash the server if there were 50 or more files in your folder. It didn't matter what kind of files were in your folder, the server would simply crash and your char would not get deleted. Some players did get a second account so they could have more than 49 toons.

The new char-delete does not seem to have any limits. I tested it with 130+ files without complications.

And I for one, have some toons I want to burn. Thank you Dragonsong and Funkyswerve.

Q the Mighty

Unknown said...

Thanks for the rescue today.