Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa Claus Builders Bash (Update)


Deurack said...

I cant connec to the server, or find it on Gamespy...

Simon Hawk said...

Same here, Deurack. It must be down.

Deurack said...

all I can say is "L-O-L"

Simon Hawk said...

This is typical of my luck. :(

LOL I just saw you in the Chat room but you missed me I think.

Deurack said...

Well, that's great. Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like the server being down for the first big planned competitive event in the past year that's been in the works for the past 2 weeks.


Qwildurn said...

I was away all weekend. For no known reason the server shut down the both modules I host (BadLands RPG 1.68 & 1.69).

Simon should set up a new date for the bash.

Cool picture by the way. Fitting.
